LKS2 Armley Mills Trip Permission

Dear Parent/Carer,

Armley Mills Trip

LKS2 pupils’ topic this term is Leeds. As part of our history and English work, we are learning about Armley Mills with a particular focus on what life was like working in the mill and the impact it had on the surrounding local area. To fully immerse ourselves in this and to provide real life context and stimulus for our work, we have booked a trip to Armley Mills. The trip will take place across two different dates. Please see below:

Year 3: Thursday 19th October                            Year 4: Friday 20th October

Whilst there, pupils will participate in two workshops. The first is ‘Mill Children.’ Here, pupils will be given jobs that children would have carried out in the mill and be able to experience what it might have been like to live, dress and work as a child during the height of the Industrial Revolution. The second workshop is ‘Victorian Schoolroom.’ This workshop will immerse pupils in a living history experience to discover what life was really like for children in the past in Victorian Britain.

These are roleplay workshops and as such it adds to the experience if the children are in costume. Caps, white aprons and dresses/skirts for girls, shorts and shirts, waistcoats and flat caps for boys work well and fit with the period. Whilst we will be encouraging children to dress up for the day, it is entirely optional.

The cost of the trip which covers the two workshops plus coach transport is £13 which will be added to ParentPay. Pupils who are eligible for Pupil Premium Funding are entitled to an additional half price reduction making the cost £6.50. This will be reflected on ParentPay.

If you pay for your child’s school dinners, they will need to bring a packed lunch with them for the trip. Children who have packed lunches in school will also need to bring their usual packed lunch. If your child receives Free School Meals, they will be provided with a packed lunch by school. 


Yours faithfully,


Mr. S Gamble

LKS2 Phase Leader

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