Music Lessons – Guitar or Keyboard

From September, there will be a number of spaces available for keyboard and guitar lessons with Mr Joy, due to our year 6 children leaving. Whilst there is still a waiting list, we would like to gauge how many people would like to remain, or be added to that list.
If your child would like to start guitar or keyboard lessons from September then please fill out the attached form.
Keyboard lessons will be for Year 1 – Year 6 children. Guitar lessons will be for Year 4 to Year 6 children
If your child already has lessons then they will automatically continue in September, unless you tell us otherwise. You do not need to fill out this form again.
The cost will be £8 for paired lessons or £16 for individual lessons.
keyboard guitar
Yes No

Contact Us

Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500