Who’s Who
Children's Safeguarding and Well-Being
Senior Leadership

Mrs Hunter
Head Teacher - DSL

Mr Kerr
Deputy Head Teacher - DSL

Mr Kershaw
Assistant Head teacher - DSL

Mrs Brosnan
Family Support and Attendance Manager and Senior DSL
Safeguarding Team

Mrs Brosnan
Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Hunter
Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr Kerr
Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr Kershaw
Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr Maldonado
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Office staff and Superintendant

Mrs Lister
Office Manager

Mrs Turpie
Administrator Assistant
Phase Leaders

Mr Kerr
Reception (EYFS) Phase Leader with responsibility for Assessment and the Curriculum Lead

Mrs Koopman
KS1 Phase Leader with responsibility for well-being and phonics leadership

Mr Gamble
LKS2 Phase Leader with responsibility for English leadership and Forest Schools

Mr Kershaw
UKS2 Phase Leader with responsibility for Maths leadership
Foundation Stage

Mr Kerr

Mrs Andrews
Reception Teacher with responsibility for Computing leadership

Mr Verdi
Reception Teacher with responsibility for Design & Technology

Mrs Arnott
Reception Nursery Nurse

Mrs Coulson
Teaching assistant

Miss Colefax
Teaching Assistant

Mrs Bray
Teaching Assistant
Key Stage 1 (Years 1 & 2)

Mrs Koopman
Class 1 Teacher with responsibility for Phonics leadership

Miss Devine
Class 2 Teacher

Miss Mehboob
Class 3 Teacher

Mrs Williams
KS1 Teaching Assistant

Mrs Pattison
SEND Teaching Assistant

Mrs Lee
KS1 Teaching assistant

Mrs Harrisson
KS1 HLTA with responsibility for RE leadership
Key Stage 2 (Years 3, 4, 5 & 6)

Miss Nodding
Class 4 Teacher

Miss Bourne
Class 5 Teacher with responsibility for Physical Education (PE) leadership

Mr Kerr and Mr Maldonado
Class 7 Teachers

Mr Kerr and Mr Maldonado
Class 7 Teachers

Miss Chambers
Class 9 Teacher with responsibility for Modern Foreign Languages (French) Leadership

Miss Barnicoat
Class 8 Teacher with responsibility for Science leadership

Miss Boyd
Teacher with responsibility for Science Leadership

Mr Kershaw
Class 10 Teacher with responsibility for Maths leadership

Mrs Phelan
LKS2 Teaching Assistant

Mrs Jackson

Mr Adamson
UKS2 Teaching Assistant

Mrs Tillotson
UKS2 HLTA with responsibility for Humanities leadership

Mrs Wilson-Hill
Assistant to the SENDCo
Specialist Teachers

Mrs Durrant
Music Teacher with responsibility for Music leadership

Mr Joy
D&T Teacher with responsibility for D&T leadership and Peripatetic Music Lessons

Mrs Ledda
Art Teacher with responsibility for Art leadership

Mrs Jackson
HLTA with responsibility for Cooking
Family Support Team

Mrs Brosnan
Family Support and Attendance Manager
Nurture Provision

Mrs Kerr
SEND Co-ordinator

Mr Maldonado
SEND Co-ordinator (Maternity Cover) and DSL

Miss Lofthouse
Teaching Assistant

Mr Mawer
Teaching Assistant

Miss Crank
Teaching Assistant
Lunchtime Supervisors

Mrs Coulson
Lunchtime Assistant

Ms Farag
Lunchtime Assistant

Mrs Pattison
Lunchtime assistant

Ms Watson
Lunchtime Assistant

Ms Merali
Lunchtime Assistant

Mrs Lee
Lunchtime Assistant

Mrs Wilson-Hill
Lunchtime assistant
'The Beehive' Before & After School Club

Mr Mawer
Beehive Manager

Ms Watson
Beehive Assistant

Mrs Coulson
Beehive Assistant

Ms Farag
Beehive Assistant