Children can: | |
KS2 – CS1 | Design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals, including controlling or simulating physical systems; they solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts. |
KS2 – CS2 | Use sequence, selection, and repetition in programs and work with variables and various forms of input and output. |
KS2 – CS3 | Use logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work and to detect and correct errors in algorithms and programs. |
KS2 – CS4 | Understand computer networks, including the internet; how they can provide multiple services, such as the World Wide Web, and the opportunities they offer for communication and collaboration. |
Upper Key Stage 2 – Computing
YEAR 5/6 (UKS2) - Examples of 'Expected' in the core skill of - Computer Science
Computer Science - Core Skills
Computer Science - Vocabulary
flowchart algorithm control output start stop delay process decision loop backdrop script block repeat sequence consequence debug program object function nesting algorithm instruction order |
program symbol process debug sequence consequence world wide web source website secure https site domain browser address bar subject address communicate blog podcast WAN LAN |
Computer Science - Expected and Exceeding statements
YEAR 5/6 (UKS2) - Examples of 'Expected' in the core skill of - Information Technology
Information Technology - Core Skills
Children can: | |
KS2 – IT1 | Use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content. |
KS2 – IT2 | Select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital devices to design and create a range of programs, systems and content that accomplish given goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information. |
Information Technology - Vocabulary
world wide web search engine advanced search filter results terms of use bias citation plagiarism source website |
browser insert table spreadsheet cell row column formula calculate format edit insert ascending descending |
Information Technology - Expected and Exceeding statements
YEAR 5/6 (UKS2) - Examples of 'Expected' in the core skill of - Digital Literacy
Digital Literacy - Core Skills
Children can: | |
KS2 – DL1 | Use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognising acceptable/unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact. |
Digital Literacy - Vocabulary
privacy safe reliable online trusted adult personal information safe share stranger |
private public avatar cyberbullying chatroom social media phishing fraud digital footprint |