Year 5 – Design and Technology

YEAR 5 - Examples of 'Expected' in the core skill of - Design

Design - Core Skills

Children can:
a use research to inform and develop detailed design criteria to inform the design of innovative, functional and appealing products that are fit for purpose and aimed at a target market;
b use their knowledge of a broad range of existing products to help generate their ideas;
c design products that have a clear purpose and indicate the design features of their products that will appeal to the intended user;
d explain how particular parts of their products work;
e use annotated sketches, cross-sectional drawings and exploded diagrams (possibly including computer-aided design) to develop and communicate their ideas;
f generate a range of design ideas and clearly communicate final designs;
g consider the availability and costings of resources when planning out designs;
h work in a broad range of relevant contexts, for example conservation, the home, school, leisure, culture, enterprise, industry and the wider environment.


Design - Vocabulary

YEAR 5 - Examples of 'Expected' in the core skill of - Make

Make - Core Skills

Children can:
a independently plan by suggesting what to do next;
b with growing confidence, select from a wide range of tools and equipment, explaining their choices;
c select from a range of materials and components according to their functional properties and aesthetic qualities;
d create step-by-step plans as a guide to making;
Practical skills and techniques:
e learn to use a range of tools and equipment safely and appropriately and learn to follow hygiene procedures;
f independently take exact measurements and mark out, to within 1 millimetre;
g use a full range of materials and components, including construction materials and kits, textiles, and mechanical components;
h cut a range of materials with precision and accuracy;
i shape and score materials with precision and accuracy;
j assemble, join and combine materials and components with accuracy
k demonstrate how to measure, make a seam allowance, tape, pin, cut, shape and join fabric with precision to make a more complex product;
l join textiles using a greater variety of stitches, such as backstitch, whip stitch, blanket stitch;
m refine the finish using techniques to improve the appearance of their product, such as sanding or a more precise scissor cut after roughly cutting out a shape.


Make - Vocabulary

YEAR 5 - Examples of 'Expected' in the core skill of - Evaluate

Evaluate - Core Skills

Children can:
a complete detailed competitor analysis of other products on the market;
b critically evaluate the quality of design, manufacture and fitness for purpose of products as they design and make;
c evaluate their ideas and products against the original design criteria, making changes as needed.

Evaluate - Vocabulary

YEAR 5 - Examples of 'Expected' in the core skill of - Technical Knowledge

Technical knowledge - Core Skills

Children can:
a apply their understanding of how to strengthen, stiffen and reinforce more complex structures in order to create more useful characteristics of products;
b understand and demonstrate that mechanical and electrical systems have an input, process and output;
c explain how mechanical systems, such as cams, create movement and use mechanical systems in their products;
d apply their understanding of computing to program, monitor and control a product.

Technical knowledge - Vocabulary

YEAR 5 - Examples of 'Expected' in the core skill of - Cooking and Nutrition

Cooking and Nutrition - Core Skills

Children can:
a know, explain and give examples of food that is grown (such as pears, wheat and potatoes), reared (such as poultry and cattle) and caught (such as fish) in the UK, Europe and the wider world;
b understand about seasonality, how this may affect the food availability and plan recipes according to seasonality;
c understand that food is processed into ingredients that can be eaten or used in cooking;
d demonstrate how to prepare and cook a variety of predominantly savoury dishes safely and hygienically including, where appropriate, the use of a heat source;
e demonstrate how to use a range of cooking techniques, such as griddling, grilling, frying and boiling;
f explain that foods contain different substances, such as protein, that are needed for health and be able to apply these principles when planning and preparing dishes;
g adapt and refine recipes by adding or substituting one or more ingredients to change the appearance, taste, texture and aroma;
h alter methods, cooking times and/or temperatures;
i measure accurately and calculate ratios of ingredients to scale up or down from a recipe;
j independently follow a recipe.

Cooking and Nutrition - Vocabulary

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