YEAR 3/4 (LKS2) - Examples of 'Expected' in the core skill of - Health and Wellbeing, Relationships, Living in the Wider World

Hello Yellow day

Dear parents and carers, Cookridge will be joining thousands of […]

Well-Being Gold Award for Cookridge

We are happy to announce we achieved a new award-The […]

Dress to Express day for Children’s Mental Health

Today we invited all children to ‘Dress to Express.’ They […]

LKS2 – Class 4 – PSHE

In PSHE we we looked at the different influences we […]

World Mental Health day

Today is World Mental Health Day The children are […]

LKS2 – Newsletter – 29.09.2023

The Year 3’s and 4’s have had a great week […]

KS1 – Newsletter – 15.9.23

Welcome to Key Stage One everyone. Our year two’s have […]

LKS2-Year 4- Children’s day-Leeds 2023

Year Four children have been part of Children’s Day event […]

LKS2 – Donkey Sanctuary

On our weekly visit to the donkeys we learnt all […]

Parent survey for School Food Friendly Status

Dear Parents, Your child’s school has recently self-evaluated for School […]

LKS2 – Donkey Sanctuary

This week at the Donkey Sanctuary, pupils learnt about donkey […]

LKS2 – Donkey Sanctuary

Our third session at the Donkey Sanctuary built on our […]

LKS2 – Donkey Sanctuary

As part of a ten week programme, a group of […]

LS16 Community Uniform Exchange

Easter Egg Competition’s Winners and Runner ups

Dear Parents/Carers Thank you so much for all your children’s […]

Parenting Smart Site-important resources

Important resources for parents and carers Parenting Smart site is […]

Just One More Campaign and Healthy Schools guidance

At Cookridge we are supporting our pupils to eat healthier, […]

Wellbeing Wednesday – Forest School

This morning, we really did have all the seasons in […]

World Book Day Leeds United Competition

As part of World Book Day 2023 celebrations, Leeds United […]

Tuesday Group – Forest School

To celebrate the end of National Nest Box Week (14th-21st […]

Leeds Joint Agency Protocol for Domestic Violence and Abuse

Dear Parent / Carer Leeds Joint Agency Protocol for Domestic […]

LKS2 – Class 7 – Children’s Mental Health Week

Today, we have had a wonderful day celebrating World Mental […]

Children’s Mental Health Week

This week has been wonderful to see so many activities […]

Willow Dome – Forest School

Pupils in Reception and Year 4 enjoyed some late winter […]

SENDIASS Virtual information sessions

Please find attached below the latest dates for the SENDIASS […]

Sponsorship forms and money

Thank you to everyone who has returned their sponsorship forms […]

LKS2 – Forest School – Green Time

What a great afternoon session we had at Forest School […]

Children’s Mental Health Week-next week

Next week it is Children’s Mental Health week. The children […]

National Read Aloud Day

World Read Aloud Day is celebrated on the first Wednesday […]

Nurture Group – Forest School

Today in Forest School pupils in Nurture Group learnt about […]


Dear Parents   As most of you are aware, every […]

Children’s Mental Health Week- Dress to Express day

  Dear Parents and carers 6 – 12 February 2023 […]

Head lice

Dear Parents/Carers,  Please read the guidance regarding Head lice. There […]

Platinum award for Cookridge

The Green Tree Schools Awards is an initiative set up […]

Leeds Local Offer Live

Please find below Leeds Local Offer Live Tuesday 28th March 2023 […]

KS2 Christmas Dinner

A massive thank you to Stuart and his team for […]

Christmas Card winner

A massive congratulations to Thomas who won Pinnacles Christmas Card […]

Reading Reps

We were completely overwhelmed by the pupils’ response to the […]

Christmas Jumpers-Last two weeks

Christmas Jumpers – Last two weeks Dear parents/carers, Those of […]

Reading Buddy Class Swap

Today we launched the first Reading Buddy Class Swap across […]

Wellbeing Wednesday – Forest School

This morning the Wellbeing Wednesday groups focused on using tools […]

LKS2 – Forest School – Tree Week

Pupils in LKS2 celebrated the start of National Tree Week […]

LKS2 Newsletter 25/11/22

Happy Friday everyone! What an exciting and varied week we’ve […]

The Cookridge Wedding

Today we celebrated a very special assembly for Miss Brophy […]

Y4 Robinwood – Ocean Group

Today has been all go go go for Ocean Group […]

Wellbeing Wednesday – Forest School

Wellbeing Wednesday sessions today focused on our amazing animals we […]

Nurture Group – Forest School

Nurture Group braved the wind and rain this morning in […]

Parent Questionnaire

Please take the time to complete the survey and help [...]

Wellbeing Wednesdays – Forest School

This morning pupils carried out a series of maintenance tasks […]

Cinema Trip

Dear Parents/Carers.    As part of the Into film festival, [...]

Class 7 – Mental Health Week and National Forest Schools Day

This week is mental health awareness week and today was […]

National Sleep Helpline

We have been asked to highlight this service to parents. […]

Health and Wellbeing - Core Skills

Children can talk or through actions show:
H1 how to make informed decisions about health
H2 about the elements of a balanced, healthy lifestyle
H3 about choices that support a healthy lifestyle, and recognise what might influence these
H4 how to recognise that habits can have both positive and negative effects on a healthy lifestyle
H5 about what good physical health means; how to recognise early signs of physical illness
H6 about what constitutes a healthy diet; how to plan healthy meals; benefits to health and wellbeing of eating nutritionally rich foods; risks associated with not eating a healthy diet including obesity and tooth decay.
H7 how regular (daily/weekly) exercise benefits mental and physical health (e.g. walking or cycling to school, daily active mile); recognise opportunities to be physically active and some of the risks associated with an inactive lifestyle
H8 about how sleep contributes to a healthy lifestyle; routines that support good quality sleep; the effects of lack of sleep on the body, feelings, behaviour and ability to learn
H9 that bacteria and viruses can affect health; how everyday hygiene routines can limit the spread of infection; the wider importance of personal hygiene and how to maintain it
H10 how medicines, when used responsibly, contribute to health; that some diseases can be prevented by vaccinations and immunisations; how allergies can be managed
H11 how to maintain good oral hygiene (including correct brushing and flossing); why regular visits to the dentist are essential; the impact of lifestyle choices on dental care (e.g. sugar consumption/acidic drinks such as fruit juices, smoothies and fruit teas; the effects of smoking)
H12 about the benefits of sun exposure and risks of overexposure; how to keep safe from sun damage and sun/heat stroke and reduce the risk of skin cancer.
H13 about the benefits of the internet; the importance of balancing time online with other activities; strategies for managing time online
H14 how and when to seek support, including which adults to speak to in and outside school, if they are worried about their health
H15 that mental health, just like physical health, is part of daily life; the importance of taking care of mental health
H16 about strategies and behaviours that support mental health — including how good quality sleep, physical exercise/time outdoors, being involved in community groups, doing things for others, clubs, and activities, hobbies and spending time with family and friends can support mental health and wellbeing
H17 to recognise that feelings can change over time and range in intensity
H18 about everyday things that affect feelings and the importance of expressing feelings
H19 a varied vocabulary to use when talking about feelings; about how to express feelings in different ways
H20 strategies to respond to feelings, including intense or conflicting feelings; how to manage and respond to feelings appropriately and proportionately in different situations
H21 to recognise warning signs about mental health and wellbeing and how to seek support for themselves and others
H22 to recognise that anyone can experience mental ill health; that most difficulties can be resolved with help and support; and that it is important to discuss feelings with a trusted adult
H23 about change and loss, including death, and how these can affect feelings; ways of expressing and managing grief and bereavement
H24 problem-solving strategies for dealing with emotions, challenges and change, including the transition to new schools
H25 about personal identity; what contributes to who we are (e.g. ethnicity, family, gender, faith, culture, hobbies, likes/dislikes)
H26 that for some people gender identity does not correspond with their biological sex
H27 to recognise their individuality and personal qualities
H28 to identify personal strengths, skills, achievements and interests and how these contribute to a sense of self-worth
H29 about how to manage setbacks/perceived failures, including how to re-frame unhelpful thinking
H30 to identify the external genitalia and internal reproductive organs in males and females and how the process of puberty relates to human reproduction
H31 to identify the external genitalia and internal reproductive organs in males and females and how the process of puberty relates to human reproduction
H32 about how hygiene routines change during the time of puberty, the importance of keeping clean and how to maintain personal hygiene
H33 about the processes of reproduction and birth as part of the human life cycle; how babies are conceived and born (and that there are ways to prevent a baby being made); how babies need to be cared for¹
H34 about where to get more information, help and advice about growing and changing, especially about puberty
H35 about the new opportunities and responsibilities that increasing independence may bring
H36 strategies to manage transitions between classes and key stages
H37 reasons for following and complying with regulations and restrictions (including age restrictions); how they promote personal safety and wellbeing with reference to social media, television programmes, films, games and online gaming.

Health and Wellbeing - Vocabulary

Relationships - Core Skills

Children can talk or through actions show:
R1 to recognise that there are different types of relationships (e.g. friendships, family relationships, romantic relationships, online relationships)
R2 that people may be attracted to someone emotionally, romantically and sexually; that people may be attracted to someone of the same sex or different sex to them; that gender identity and sexual orientation are different
R3 about marriage and civil partnership as a legal declaration of commitment made by two adults who love and care for each other, which is intended to be lifelong
R4 that forcing anyone to marry against their will is a crime; that help and support is available to people who are worried about this for themselves or others
R5 that people who love and care for each other can be in a committed relationship (e.g. marriage), living together, but may also live apart
R6 that a feature of positive family life is caring relationships; about the different ways in which people care for one another
R7 to recognise and respect that there are different types of family structure (including single parents, same-sex parents, step-parents, blended families, foster parents); that families of all types can give family members love, security and stability
R8 to recognise other shared characteristics of healthy family life, including commitment, care, spending time together; being there for each other in times of difficulty
R9 how to recognise if family relationships are making them feel unhappy or unsafe, and how to seek help or advice
R10 about the importance of friendships; strategies for building positive friendships; how positive friendships support wellbeing
R11 what constitutes a positive healthy friendship (e.g. mutual respect, trust, truthfulness, loyalty, kindness, generosity, sharing interests and experiences, support with problems and difficulties); that the same principles apply to online friendships as to face-to-face relationships
R12 to recognise what it means to ‘know someone online’ and how this differs from knowing someone face-to-face; risks of communicating online with others not known face-to-face
R13 the importance of seeking support if feeling lonely or excluded
R14 strategies for recognising and managing peer influence and a desire for peer approval in friendships; to recognise the effect of online actions on others
R15 how friendships can change over time, about making new friends and the benefits of having different types of friends
R16 that friendships have ups and downs; strategies to resolve disputes and reconcile differences positively and safely
R17 to recognise if a friendship (online or offline) is making them feel unsafe or uncomfortable; how to manage this and ask for support if necessary
R18 about the impact of bullying, including offline and online, and the consequences of hurtful behaviour
R19 strategies to respond to hurtful behaviour experienced or witnessed, offline and online (including teasing, name-calling, bullying, trolling, harassment or the deliberate excluding of others); how to report concerns and get support
R20 about discrimination: what it means and how to challenge it
R21 about privacy and personal boundaries; what is appropriate in friendships and wider relationships (including online);
R22 about why someone may behave differently online, including pretending to be someone they are not; strategies for recognising risks, harmful content and contact; how to report concerns
R23 how to respond safely and appropriately to adults they may encounter (in all contexts including online) whom they do not know
R24 recognise different types of physical contact; what is acceptable and unacceptable; strategies to respond to unwanted physical contact
R25 about seeking and giving permission (consent) in different situations
R26 about keeping something confidential or secret, when this should (e.g. a birthday surprise that others will find out about) or should not be agreed to, and when it is right to break a confidence or share a secret
R27 how to recognise pressure from others to do something unsafe or that makes them feel uncomfortable and strategies for managing this
R28 where to get advice and report concerns if worried about their own or someone else’s personal safety (including online)
R29 about how to manage setbacks/perceived failures, including how to re-frame unhelpful thinking
R30 that personal behaviour can affect other people; to recognise and model respectful behaviour online
R31 to recognise the importance of self-respect and how this can affect their thoughts and feelings about themselves; that everyone, including them, should expect to be treated politely and with respect by others (including when online and/or anonymous) in school and in wider society; strategies to improve or support courteous, respectful relationships
R32 about respecting the differences and similarities between people and recognising what they have in common with others e.g. physically, in personality or background
R33 to listen and respond respectfully to a wide range of people, including those whose traditions, beliefs and lifestyle are different to their own
R34 how to discuss and debate topical issues, respect other people’s point of view and constructively challenge those they disagree with


Relationships - Vocabulary

Living in the Wider World - Core Skills

Children can talk or through actions show:
L1 to recognise reasons for rules and laws; consequences of not adhering to rules and laws
L2 to recognise there are human rights, that are there to protect everyone
L3 about the relationship between rights and responsibilities
L4 the importance of having compassion towards others; shared responsibilities we all have for caring for other people and living things; how to show care and concern for others
L5 ways of carrying out shared responsibilities for protecting the environment in school and at home; how everyday choices can affect the environment (e.g. reducing, reusing, recycling; food choices)
L6 about the different groups that make up their community; what living in a community means
L7 to value the different contributions that people and groups make to the community
L8 about diversity: what it means; the benefits of living in a diverse community; about valuing diversity within communities
L9 about stereotypes; how they can negatively influence behaviours and attitudes towards others; strategies for challenging stereotypes
L10 about prejudice; how to recognise behaviours/actions which discriminate against others; ways of responding to it if witnessed or experienced
L11 to appreciate the range of national, regional, religious and ethnic identities in the United Kingdom
L12 about some of the different ways information and data is shared and used online, including for commercial purposes
L13 about how information on the internet is ranked, selected and targeted at specific individuals and groups; that connected devices can share information
L14 recognise things appropriate to share and things that should not be shared on social media; rules surrounding distribution of images
L15 about how text and images in the media and on social media can be manipulated or invented; strategies to evaluate the reliability of sources and identify misinformation
L16 about the different ways to pay for things and the choices people have about this
L17 to recognise that people have different attitudes towards saving and spending money; what influences people’s decisions; what makes something ‘good value for money’
L18 that people’s spending decisions can affect others and the environment (e.g. Fair trade, buying single-use plastics, or giving to charity)
L19 to recognise that people make spending decisions based on priorities, needs and wants
L20 different ways to keep track of money
L21 about risks associated with money (e.g. money can be won, lost or stolen) and ways of keeping money safe
L22 about the risks involved in gambling; different ways money can be won or lost through gambling-related activities and their impact on health, wellbeing and future aspirations
L23 to identify the ways that money can impact on people’s feelings and emotions
L24 to recognise positive things about themselves and their achievements; set goals to help achieve personal outcomes
L25 that there is a broad range of different jobs/careers that people can have; that people often have more than one career/type of job during their life
L26 about stereotypes in the workplace and that a person’s career aspirations should not be limited by them
L27 about what might influence people’s decisions about a job or career (e.g. personal interests and values, family connections to certain trades or businesses, strengths and qualities, ways in which stereotypical assumptions can deter people from aspiring to certain jobs)
L28 that some jobs are paid more than others and money is one factor which may influence a person’s job or career choice; that people may choose to do voluntary work which is unpaid
L29 about some of the skills that will help them in their future careers e.g. teamwork, communication and negotiation
L30 to identify the kind of job that they might like to do when they are older
L31 to recognise a variety of routes into careers (e.g. college, apprenticeship, university)


Living in the Wider World - Vocabulary

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0113 386 2500