Cookridge Primary School's Intent, Implementation and Impact for English

English Knowledge and Skills for our curriculum offer
Accessing reading and writing outside of school is key to having fluent basic skills that will help all children in every walk of life. Use the links below to access of lots of different resources and links that will help in the fluency of basic reading and writing skills .
Cookridge Primary School's progression of children working at Expected and Greater Depth Standards in Writing
Please see below for exemplifications of working towards, expected and greater depth in reading and writing for children in each year group:
Cookridge Primary School's Phonics - Twinkl Phonics
The Twinkl Phonics Programme offers a coherently planned sequence of lessons that supports the effective teaching of phonics within EYFS, KS1 and, where appropriate, KS2.
Level 1 Twinkl Phonics provides themed teaching packs for nurseries and preschool providers to deliver each of the DfE’s Phase 1 phonics aspects. Throughout Level 1, young learners develop
the knowledge, skills and understanding to discriminate between and use auditory, environmental and instrumental sounds. Level 1 is taught in the EYFS and runs throughout the teaching
of phonics Levels 2-6. In reception, children work within Levels 2-4. Here learners are introduced to phonemes/sounds and graphemes/letters systematically. They also learn to develop and
applyblending and segmenting skills for reading and writing.
Within KS1, children work within Levels 5 and 6. The coherently planned sequence of lessons within Level 5 allows opportunities for children to apply their phonics knowledge and skills as
the prime approach to reading and spelling. It focuses on phonetically decodable two-syllable and three-syllable words and the alternative ways of pronouncing and representing the long
vowel phonemes. Furthermore, children will develop their ability to attempt to read and spell increasingly complex words. By Level 6, children explore spelling patterns and grammar while also
developing a breadth of knowledge, skills and understanding in the recognition and spelling of common exception words.
The Twinkl Phonics Programme intends to not only provide children with opportunities to develop the knowledge, skills and understanding essential for reading and writing, but also, to develop
each child’s confidence, resilience and engagement in phonics lessons and a love for reading and writing.
Information about the Phonics for parents
Phase 2 Phonic sounds
Watch On Vimeo
Phase 3 Phonic sounds
Watch On Vimeo
Phase 5 Phonic sounds
Watch On Vimeo
Phonics Workshop
How to support your child with Reading (Twinkl Books)
Early Writing Workshop
How to support your child with Reading (Twinkl Books)
Reading and Writing at Cookridge:
- All
- All School
- Art and Design
- Artsmark
- Celebrations
- Class 1
- Class 10
- Class 2
- Class 3
- Class 4
- Class 5
- Class 6
- Class 7
- Class 8
- Class 9
- Computing
- D&T
- EYFS Newsletter
- Forest Schools
- Geography
- History
- KS1 Newsletter
- Maths
- Music
- PE
- PSHE - KS1
- RE
- Reading
- Science
- Writing