Cookridge Primary School's Intent, Implementation and Impact for Mathematics

Maths Knowedge and Skills for our curriculum offer
End of year expectations for maths in every year group:
At the start of a maths lesson, each child will take part in a ‘Fluency’ session which gives pupils the opportunity to have daily practice of the basic skills which underpin their reasoning and problem solving abilities. They will then apply this understanding in the remainder of the session to tackle practical and real life problems. Click on the links below to see further information about each year group.
Click the videos below to see some of our pupils using the formal methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division:
Column addition method completed by a Y3 pupil.
Short division method completed by a Y4 pupil.
Short multiplication method completed by a Y4 pupil.
Column subtraction method completed by a Y3 pupil.
Long division method completed by a Y6 pupil.
Long multiplication method completed by a Y6 pupil.
During our parent workshop, Mr Kershaw models the three strands of mathematics: Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving. Additionally, what we (as a school) are doing to support pupils to develop a deeper understanding. Please peruse the PowerPoint to see the new concrete objects that pupils use on a daily basis.
Maths in action:
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