Children can: | |
Listening attentively to spoken language and show understanding by joining in and responding: | |
a | Listen and respond to familiar spoken words, phrases and sentences (e.g., simple instructions, rhymes and songs). |
Engage in conversations, ask and answer questions, express opinions and respond to those of others | |
b | Speak with others using simple words, phrases and sentences (e.g., greetings). |
Speak and present in sentences, using familiar vocabulary, phrases and basic language structures | |
c | Speak aloud familiar words or short phrases in chorus (e.g., with stories, songs, poems and rhymes). |
Develop accurate pronunciation and intonation | |
d | Use correct pronunciation and start to explore patterns of language linking spelling, sound and meaning of words by developing an understanding of French phonics. |
Year 3 – MFL (French)
YEAR 3 - Examples of 'Expected' in the core skill of - Listening and Speaking (French)
Listening and Speaking - Core Skills
Listening and Speaking - Vocabulary

YEAR 3 - Examples of 'Expected' in the core skill of - Reading and Writing (French)
Reading and Writing - Core Skills
Children can: | |
Read carefully and show understanding of words, phrases and simple writing: | |
a | Recognise and understand familiar written words and short phrases (e.g., basic nouns, topic related verbs). |
Broaden vocabulary and develop ability to understand new words in familiar written material, including use of a dictionary | |
b | Read a range of familiar written words and short phrases aloud to another person. |
Write phrases from memory to express ideas clearly | |
c | Write some familiar, simple words from memory or using supported written materials. |
Describe people, places, things and actions orally and in writing | |
d | Describe people, places, things and actions with use of a simple adjective. |
Reading and Writing - Vocabulary

YEAR 3 - Examples of 'Expected' in the core skill of - Grammar (French)
Chronological Understanding - Core Skills
Children can: | |
Understand basic grammar appropriate to French: | |
a | Start to understand the concept of gender (masculine and feminine) and how this is shown in French. |
b | Identify the negative form and recognise some conjugated verbs (e.g., “I” form of simple verb). |
Chronological Understanding - Vocabulary

YEAR 3 - Examples of 'Expected' in the core skill of - Aspects of French culture
Aspects of French culture - Core Skills
Children can: | |
Aspects of French culture: | |
a | Develop an awareness of identity by investigating the linguistic diversity of our school, community and wider world (e.g., countries where French is spoken). |
Aspects of French culture - Vocabulary