Key stage 1 Newsletter – 12.2.21

It’s half term Friday!

Well done to you all for a brilliant half term of working from home. We have loved looking through all the work you have been sending in and hearing you talk about it during our check in zooms. We have been grateful for the zooms where we could see your faces, hear how you’re getting on and play some games together.

As yet, we do not have a confirmed date for returning to school, we wait with you to hear the next announcement. We do know that we will be doing home learning for at least the first two weeks back after half term. Thank you to all those who have been up to school to collect the learning packs for those two weeks. If you have not been to collect your child’s pack yet, you will be able to collect them once school is back open from 22nd February.

Please note, Monday 22nd February is a training day. There is optional work for the children for that day, but no staff will be available to answer e mails or to do Zoom check-ins or interventions.

We really value the support that parents and carers have given to the children during these difficult times. We know that you are trying your best and remember that we are here to support you in anyway we can. Have a fantastic half term, stay safe and enjoy your family time.

Here’s some of the fantastic work that has been sent in this week.

We know that you have been missing your friends and it has been great to see some of the lovely letters year 1 wrote to each other:


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West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500