KS1- Aut 2-information and key dates
KS1 welcome to Autumn 2 -we hope you have had a good half term.
Please find below the links for the termly newsletter and this term’s homework grid.
Reminder this is optional homework. Please return to the class teacher when completed.
Thank you for all the amazing, creative homework we received in Aut 1.
Newsletter – KS1-Aut 2 2021
Homework grid-Aut 2-2021
Key dates and information
1.11.21-Return to school (Week 1)
2.11.21-PE for all classes
5.11.21-Forest School clothes- Bonfire afternoon
8.11.21-Forest School
16.11.21-PE for all classes
16.11.21-Parent phone consultations (Details to follow)
18.11.21-Year One -Trip to Chevin-Forest School clothes
22.11.21-Forest School
25.11.21-Year Two-Trip to Chevin-Forest Schools clothes
30.11.21-PE for all classes
8.12.21-Christmas Production
17.12.21-Break up