KS1 Christmas information

Dear KS1 parent/carers, 

Please make a note of all the Christmas events coming up in the next few weeks.

Christmas jumpers are allowed instead of school jumpers from Friday 15th December.

Thursday 14th December-KS1 Performance- 2.30pm- (2 adults per child- no tickets needed)

Friday 15th December- ASDA Singing- 9.45-10.45am- all are welcome to come and watch

Monday 18th December- 10am-11am- Community Performance- Grandparent’s welcome

Tuesday 19th December-School Christmas Disco- tickets available from the office

Thursday 21st December-Christmas Party Day- bring snacks in to share with the class.

Friday 22nd December- Christmas Dinner Day

Break up and enjoy your family

Thank you for all your support

The KS1 team




Contact Us

Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
