KS1 – Class 2 – World Book Day!
We have had a fantastic World Book Day full of stories and imagination!
We began with a wonderful assembly with poet ‘Rapper Man’. Then we had a mini fashion show to show the class which character we had chosen to come alongside explaining why we had dressed as them.
Next we looked at some mystery props. We thought of our own stories that we could use the props in – we even made some of the props magical or used them for things that they are not usually used for such as an umbrella that makes you invisible!
We designed our own stories to incorporate the props into and created our own finger puppets to re-tell our stories to the class. We had so many imaginative plots and characters!
We also visited our school library where Mrs Harrisson spoke about how we use the library and let us explore some of the amazing books we have in there.
Finally we had a mystery reader visit Class 2! I wonder if your child can give you some clues to guess who the mystery reader was….
Throughout the day we listened to lots of different stories and enjoyed spending the day dressed up!