KS1 – Class 3 – World Book Day!
We have had a wonderful World Book Day in Class 3 today!
Our day started with a fantastic assembly where we met a poet named Donavan Christopher (Rapperman). His poems and jokes were really funny and he even taught us about rhyming!
After assembly, we showed our amazing costumes to the class and even got to read our books that we brought in from home.
Then, we designed a front cover and wrote a blurb for our very own book. We brought our stories and characters to life using Scratch Jr on the iPads.
Next, we visited the school library where Mrs Harrison talked about where we can find books that we might be interested in. She also kindly read ‘The book with no pictures’ and ‘Zagazoo’ to us, which we found really funny!
One of our favourite parts of the day was welcoming our mystery reader into class 3 to read us a Spiderman book, he even told us some jokes! Thank you for joining us Mr McGinnis!