KS1 Home learning update and science
Good morning everyone,
We have some lovely hello messages from Mimi and Maggie to share with you. They are missing all of their friends and they hope you can all send a message back to them via your teacher. Please film a short video sending a message to your wonderful friends and send it to your teacher….we’ll do the rest and get it on the website for everyone to see!
Freddie has also done some lovely work on plants. He labelled the different parts and, after discussing textures, sizes and names of the different leaves in his garden, he wrote his name using lots of the different varieties.

I hope you have all been enjoying training like an astronaut. Here is a more relaxed session 3 for you to try… it’s all about dexterity and drawing with space gloves on! Take a picture of your attempts and send it in for us to see!
Stay safe everyone! We miss you all!
KS1 team x