KS1 – Maths challenges and photos of work
Happy Thursday everyone and we hope you are enjoying this lovely weather.
Today we are setting you some Maths challenges to complete.
Challenge 1 – Number exploration
On separate pieces of papers, write the numbers 0 to 9. Turn them over so you cannot see them and shuffle them around.
0 5 7 2 9 1 4 8 3 6
Turn to pieces of paper over and put them together to make a two digit number e.g. 1 and 6 could either make the number 16 or 61.
Write this number in the middle of a different piece of paper. Around this number write all of the different calculations you can use to make this number. Remember to use all four of the operation.
For example: Some of the calculations you can use that make 16 are: 10 + 6, 20 – 4, 4 x 4, 8 + 8.
Challenge 2: Number hunt
When you are in the outdoor environment, write down all of the numbers that you see. Can you write these numbers in order from biggest to smallest.
Thank-you to everyone who is continuing to send us work. It is lovely to see everything you are doing.
Harry has been extremely busy completing some Maths and English work.

Maggie has been creating her own tornado, baking and completing lots of different activities. Watch her video demonstrating how she made her tornado.

Pheobe has been on a shape hunt around her house and garden.

Sara has explored making different amounts using coins and created a 3D animal.

Sam has too been completing his shape challenge

Thank you for all this wonderful work and please keep sending it in.
Well done to all those children who are also completing their LEXIA minutes and spelling shed challenges.