KS1 – Maths – Measuring
Lets get outside and make the most of this lovely weather!
Challenge 1
For this challenge you will need:
a selection of small toys or objects
a ruler or other measuring tool
pencil or chalk
paper (optional)
Choose an area outside where the sun shines for most of the day and place your toys next to each other. You can either place them onto paper or directly on the ground.
Draw around the shadow you toy has created using either your chalk or pencil.
Get your ruler and measure how tall the shadow is.
Write down the time and height on a separate piece of paper e.g. 10am 3cm
Leave the toys in the same place for the duration of the day and go out at different points of the day to investigate if the shadow gets longer or shorter. Was there anything else you noticed about the shadow?
Challenge 2
Measuring in the outdoor environment.
You will need to take you ruler out with you to complete this challenge. Below are a list of items you might come across when out and about. Can you measure the different objects? When you get back home can you order the objects from tallest to smallest?
leaf, stick, brick, flowers, rock, pebble,
Thank you to all those children who have continued sending in work. It is lovely to see.
Mimi has been busy writing a story and a letter to Miss Devine and has created her hug for everyone. Thank-you Mimi

Devrim is having a well earned rest in his garden after completing some school work and has created his own butterfly.

Well done Mimi and Devrim!