KS1 – Newsletter – 10.5.24

After the crazy weather on Monday, we were grateful to have some lovely weather to enjoy this week!

Please can we encourage you all,  to check your child’s hair for headlice. We are aware that despite some parents treating their children’s hair, this is becoming a repeated problem. If everyone checks and treats their children’s hair, as appropriate (at the same time) hopefully, we will be able to get rid of them once and for all!

In English, Year One Have begun reading the book ‘Hello Opportunity’. They have had a go at writing their own story about a space adventure and have written a postcard to Opportunity to ask questions about Mars. We then used an AI programme to answer the questions as though they were from Opportunity. If you would like to watch something about this, click on the link  and explore together! https://science.nasa.gov/solar-system/resources/resource-packages/mars-resources/ Their phonic sounds this week was a silent /e/ on the end of a word eg have and house. Year Two have been looking at historical narratives. They have been looking at the skills required for proof reading and editing and have begun to apply these to their cold writing piece. Their phonic sound this week has been an /s/ sound making /zh/ as in pleasure.

During our Maths lessons this week, Year One have been learning about equal and unequal groups. They have been recognising when groups are unequal and have been adding together equal groups as the beginning to multiplication. Year Two are continuing with their work on division and finding fractions of amounts.

In Science, the children have continued to learn about animals habitats. They have been looking at what each animal needs in their environment and why that is different to another animal. This has also reinforced their learning about animal categories such as mammals and amphibians etc..

In Music both year one and year two have been doing quizzes, based around all the different things they have been learning about this year from pitch and tempo to rhythms and percussion.

There was some fabulous colour mixing happening in the Art lessons. The children were choosing two of the primary colours and putting them in a pattern on a spinner. They then spun the spinner and watched how the colours blended together and created a new pattern.

In Design Technology, after learning the basic skills of threading a needle and a simple running stitch, they have begun a new project. They will continue to work on this throughout the half term.

Year One have been looking at what happens in a church in their RE lessons this week. They have looked at items such as the altar and pulpit and what they are for and learned about how Christians sing songs, say prayers and learn from the Bible. Year Two have been listening to stories from the Muslim and Christian faiths and a story that is not from a faith but has a moral. They have been thinking about what the stories are wanting to teach the listener.

Year One were looking at how families around the world are the same and how they are different in PSHE. They noticed that some of the activities they do and how they spend their time is different, but all families spend time together and need love and care. Year Two were thinking about choices and how all the choices we make have good or bad consequences. They thought about what choices they were able to make and why they are good choices eg. Having a healthy snack, wearing a helmet on a bike and not talking to strangers.

Next week is week 2:


Monday – Class 1 and 2

Thursday – Class 1 and 3

Friday – Class 2 and 3

Forest school – Tuesday for all of Key Stage One

Diary Dates:

Wednesday 19th June – Sports day (Weather dependent)

Monday 24th June – Cannon Hall Farm trip – More information to follow


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