KS1 – Newsletter – 13.9.24

Welcome to the first ‘proper’ news letter of the year!

This week, we have all begun to read ‘Funny Bones’. We began the week by listening to the story and acting it out. We have created skeleton pictures and thought about what else could happen in their story. They also had a go at retwlling the story of ‘Funnybones’, remembering to use the repetition words.

In Maths, Year One have been doing lots of counting ensuring 1-1 accuracy. They have also been finding different ways to represent numbers, using Numicon, cubes, dice, objects, counters etc.. and recognising what numbers have been made using these resources. Year Two have begun to look at the place value of tens and ones. They have been learning to recognise tens and ones in a variety of forms and understand the value of each number in a two digit number.

Our first Science lesson of the year was to wonder about who is a scientist and what a scientist does. We will be challenging misconceptions and stereotypes over the course of the year, showing the children the sort of things scientists actually do. They then used paints to do some mixing of colours to see what would happen when different colours were mixed together.

In History, we started to look at what history is. We discussed what counts as history, eg anything that has already happened from very recent history to events from hundreds of years ago. We looked at items the teachers had brought in, clothes and toys from their own childhood and their children’s childhood. They then placed them on a timeline. The children then showed items that they had brought in from when they were babies and recognised how these are part of their history.

We have begun our RE lessons by finding out what the children already know and giving them a general over view of some of the main faiths. This year, whilst learning about the Muslim and Christian faiths, we will be encouraging the children to ask more questions, wonder about what other people believe and do and also to share their own experiences and practices.

In Art, the children had a very calming bubbly experience, getting to know each other better. They had relaxing music playing while they filled in a bubble with pictures of all the things they like and are important to them. They then looked at each others bubbles and talked about what had been included.

The children were very creative in music this week. They were learning about how an instrument doesn’t have to be things like a guitar or a piano. They found different objects around the classroom to make noises with eg a ruler on a table, two cups to tap together, wafting a piece of paper….. They also used their bodies to make percussion noises and put small pieces of rhythm together.

A new project has started in design technology linked to our upcoming topic. The children began to design a lamp for Florence Nightingale. They had to think about the main features that it would need and what they would like it to look like.

Next week is week 2:  APOLOGIES for the incorrect days for week 1 last week.


Class 1- Monday & Thursday

Class 2 – Thursday & Friday

Class 3 – Thursday & Friday 

Forest school – Tuesday for all of Key Stage One

Diary Dates:

Keep an eye on the newsletter for key dates you will need to be aware of. They will always appear here at the bottom of the page.

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West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
