KS1 – Newsletter – 14.3.25

Thank you to everyone who has ordered a book from the book fair this week. If your child has not received their book yet, it is because it has had to be ordered and they will receive it as soon as the order arrives. Not only will your child benefit from reading a fantastic new book, but school also receives vouchers to spend on books for the library.

This week, we have been writing our newspaper reports about The Great Fire of London. They have been including key facts about what happened during the fire and in some cases added eye witness accounts, starting to use speech marks. The children have then published these for their writing folders. Year One’s phonic sound for the week has been /ea/ as in bread. Year Two’s phonic sound has been /ey/ as in monkey.

In Maths, Year one have begun learning about length. They have compared objects and used words shorted/ longer/ taller. They have also been measuring using non-standard measures such as cubes and standard measures such a centimetres on a ruler. One group in Year Two have begun to do division. They have started by sharing from one group into different amounts of groups saying the phrase ‘When we share it must be fair’. The other group have been focusing on repeated addition and have begun to do arrays using practical resources.

We have been observing the weather in science and recording the different types of weather we have seen each day. We were then able to use this data we had collected to answer questions about the weather; for example, what was the weather like on Tuesday? Which was the most frequent weather we observed?

In history, we have thought about the similarities and differences between London in 1666 and now. We discussed what changes had to happen so that a similar disaster could not happen again. We then reconstructed London, thinking about what choices the architects and builders made when rebuilding London.

The children were learning about St Patrick’s day in music. They had great fun hearing some folk songs and learning some dances and putting percussion to them, all on this theme.

In Art, the children have been entering a competition with Hardisty. They needed to design a house for the Easter bunny! There have been some lovely, creative designs, so fingers crossed we have a winner.

In Food Technology last time, the children designed a healthy wrap using guidance from the eat well guide. This week, the children have actually made their wrap selecting things such as cheese, cucumber, lettuce and tomatoes and were able to then eat and enjoy the wrap they had made.

Year One continued to learn about money in PSHE. This time, they thought about where they could collect and save their money and why a money box or bank is a good place. They then thought about what things they might like to save up for and how much different things cost. Year Two were thinking about why both exercise and sleep and rest are good for our bodies. They thought of different ways they can exercise and what this exercise does to develop muscles and a healthy mind. They also looked at good ways to help us wind down and relax ready to get a good night’s sleep.

We ended the week again with our alternative PE. This time it was the first group of class 3 who were able to have a go at fencing. One group were doing Noodle drumming, one group were doing team sports and the final group were doing ‘Gonoodle.’

Diary Dates:

Tuesday 18th March – Parent’s evening

(Please sign up for these on line)

Thursday 3rd April : 2.30 – 3.00 – The Great Fire of London celebration event




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West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
