KS1 – Newsletter – 14.6.24

Thank you to those people who have begun to send things in for the fayre. We would accept any contributions at any time (this week has been chocolates, bottles etc..) but next weeks specific focus is on good quality toys and games, entertainment – books, CD’s etc… and gifts.

In Maths, Year One have continued learning about fractions this week. Their focus this week was on recognising and finding a quarter of a shape and a quantity. One group in Year Two Have continued learning about fractions and this week have been finding fractions of amounts. The other group have begun learning about time. They have started by recapping telling the time for o’clock and half past.

Both Year groups have continued to learn about Helen Sharman in English and have been working towards writing a full newspaper article. They have been looking at all the features of a newspaper report and collecting information to add into the report. In phonics, we have all been learning about adding suffixes. Year One have been adding -er and Year Two have been adding -est had -ful, -less and -ly.

The children have been designing bunting for the school fayre in art. They have been practising the skill of drawing around an object, holding it still and pressing the pencil on. They then designed their own planets with lots of colours.

Year One have continued with the carnival of the animals. Each animal has a movement that goes to the music and this week they have been listening to the donkeys, tortoises and elephants. They practised their movements along with the music and thought about how the music made them feel. Year Two have been doing some basic rhythms. They then continued learning the song ‘Tideo’, they hen made this into a dance and added percussion sounds.

It has been all about animation in computing this week. The children were learning how to use ‘2animate’ on Purple Mash. They were inserting a backdrop and using the onion tool, to build up a picture before watching how it moves on their screen.

In Design technology, the children continued sewing their planets. They are still practising stitches and even trying to thread the needle. Some children also began to fill their planet with stuffing and started to stitch it closed.

Year One began a new topic in RE, thinking about how to care for people. They listened to two stories and discussed how the characters behaved and whether they treated others kindly. They then reflected on ways that they could treat other people kindly. Year Two began to look at the ways Christians pray. They learnt about objects they may use to help them reflect and pray like candles, crosses, beads etc..

Next week is week 2:


Monday – Class 1 and 2

Thursday – Class 1 and 3

Friday – Class 2 and 3

Forest school – Tuesday for all of Key Stage One

Diary Dates:

Wednesday 19th June pm – Sports day (Weather dependent)

Saturday 22th June 12-4pm – School Fayre. There will be rides, face painting, goat walking, food, drinks, games and lots of interesting stalls.

Monday 24th June – Cannon Hall Farm trip – More information to follow

Contact Us

Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
