KS1 – Newsletter – 17.5.24

It was another funny start to the week, with the water being off, but thankfully no more dramas for the rest of the week.

In English, Year One have continued to read the book ‘Hello Opportunity’. They have been learning about joining two simple sentences together using ‘and’ and have been writing some plans for their story. Their phonic focus this week has been /ear/ as in pear and /are/ as in bare. Year Two have been reading the book ‘You are the first kid on Mars’ and using this for their reading comprehension tasks. They have also been working up to writing a historical narrative about the moon landing. Their phonic focus this week has been /wa/ as in watch and /qua/ as in squash.

Year One have been learning about arrays and grouping this week in Maths. They have been looking at how it is easier to count a group when it is laid out in an array and how each of the groups must be equal. In Year Two, one group have been consolidating their knowledge about fractions and have been answering reasoning questions about fractions.

We have been using our weeks of gathering information about Neil Armstrong, to write a fact file about him in our history lessons. We ordered the knowledge of his life and put it into categories to give a comprehensive account of what he did and achieved.

In Science we have been consolidating our learning about what factors show that something is alive using MRS NERG. We then focused on microhabitats and used the ‘Now Press Play’ headphones to learn more about microhabitats and what lives there.

In Geography, we have all been looking at compass points. We have learnt little phrases to go with acronyms to help us remember the compass points, such as Never Eat Shredded Wheat and Naughty Elephants Squirt Water. The children used the compass points to follow instructions on a map find different objects.

Year One began to learn about Mosques this week. They learned that a mosque is the special building for Muslims. They looked at some of the features you would see on a mosque and some things that are inside a mosque and what they are used for. Year Two have been looking at stories with a meaning and thinking about what they could learn from those stories.

Next week is week 1:

PE: Friday – for all of Key Stage One

PPA day. Forest school – Tuesday for all of Key Stage One

Diary Dates:

Monday 24th June – Cannon Hall Farm trip – More information to follow


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