KS1 – Newsletter – 18.10.24

It’s the end of another fantastic week in Key Stage One. One more week to go before half term…..we can do this!

There has been some great writing in Key Stage One this week. We have been pretending to be Florence Nightingale and have written a leaflet to help others know how to help people to get better in hospital. They have included a Title, subheadings and important information about cleaning and eating healthy food. In Phonics, Year one have been learning the split digraphs i-e and o-e and Year two have been learning how to add suffixes -ed and -ing.

In Maths, Year One have continued to learn the value of digits in a two digit number, understanding that the 2 in 23 means 2 tens and is therefore 20 and not 2. They have also been partitioning numbers into tens and ones eg 34 = 30 + 4. Year Two have been practising their addition skills and have been focusing on fact families eg 23 + 12 = 35, so 12 + 23 = 35. 35 – 12 = 23 and 35 – 23 = 12.

We have been learning how to gather information in Science this week. We know that data is important and how we collect it is important too. We thought about ways that we could collect data from the people in our class. We found out what the favourite flavour of ice creams are of all the people in our class. From this, we could tell which was the most and least popular flavour in our classes.

In Forest schools, we were enjoying the autumn leaves and looking at all their shapes and colours. We then created animals out of leaves and sticks and did some bark rubbings on the trees.

We have used a ‘Now Press Play’ story in computing this week. It talked us through the dangers of clicking on pop ups, answering messages from people we don’t know, the importance of not giving personal information on line and going on things our parents were unaware of.

We have been comparing again in Geography. This time, we looked at the capital city of Jamaica and Leeds as this is the city we’re closest to. We went on Google to find pictures of both places, we drew and compared them, noticing the difference in buildings and landscapes between the two.

In RE, we have been completing Kahoot quizzes. We have discussed all the things that we have been learning this half term about the basics of the Christina and Muslim faiths. We then worked in teams to answer questions to see how much we could remember.

It was all about families in PSHE for Year One. We looked at how different families are made up and who might live in their house. We also thought about the things they like to do, how some families go for walks, some play games etc.. We also looked at times when things are good at home and times when they can be difficult. Year Two have been looking at the difference between joking, teasing and bullying. They have thought about how each of those things can make people feel and whether they would like to be a part of it or not.

Diary Dates:

Parent’s Evenings: 26th November and 27th November

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