KS1 – Newsletter – 19.4.24

Welcome back! We hope that you have all have an amazing break. It’s great to see the children back, smiling and ready to go for the Summer term.

We have begun our brand new topic on space. Already, it is causing great excitement and interest and we look forward to exploring together.

Our English lessons have begun by thinking about what we already know about space and what we would like to know. We have been looking at how we research and practising our skimming and scanning skills to retrieve information from non-fiction books. Year two have focused specifically on suffix endings and the rules that need to be applied and using these within sentences about space.

Year One have begun counting in twos this week in Maths. They have been ordering numbers in twos, counting items and pictures in twos and spotting patterns, recognising counting in twos focuses on even numbers. One year two group has continued to work on their multiplication and division skills, with a specific focus on doubling and halving.  The other group have been focusing on measurement and repeated addition.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Our Space topic is the driver for History this half term. The children have been looking at some of the key things that have happened in our Space travel from the first rocket and satellite launches to the first animal and human in space and on the moon. They then placed these key events on a timeline and began to look at people like Helen Sharma who won a competition to be the first British astronaut in space.

In Science, we have begun to look the difference between something that is living, dead or has never been alive. To help us to remember the signs of life, we have used the acronym MRS NERG – Movement, Respiration, Sensitivity, Nutrition, Excretion, Reproduction and Growth. We will continue to use this over the coming weeks.

We have had the Atlases out in Geography. The children have been using them to locate and identify the continents within them. They have looked at where they are in comparison to each other and the size of them etc..

Great fun was had during our Forest schools session. The children enjoyed engaging with our goats, Doughnut and Nigel, learning about animal care and what their needs are. They also practised their whittling and den making skills, alongside learning some new songs.

Our PSHE lessons have been sessions from Mindmate this week. Year One have been thinking about being the same and different. The watched the story of Elmer and how he tried to make himself the same rather than enjoying being different. They discussed why being yourself and unique is important. Year Two have been looking at friendships. They watched videos about some friends and how they fell out. They each shared their own opinions about what happened, what each character did and what they thought about that. They then looked at strategies for how to resolve conflicts in friendships.

You may also have heard the excitement of Class 2 having eggs in their classroom. The excitement grew on Thursday as the eggs began to hatch and 7 chicks are now enjoying getting to know the children!

We hope that all the children from the Blue team who went to The Big Swing on Friday enjoyed themselves. Well done to everyone who worked so hard to achieve so many team points to win the reward! Who’s turn will it be next time…..?

Next week is week 1:

PE: Friday – for all of Key Stage One

PPA day. Forest school – Tuesday for all of Key Stage One

Diary Dates:

Monday 19th April 2.45 – Year One Phonics Parent’s meeting

Monday 6th May – Bank Holiday

Monday 24th June – Cannon Hall Farm trip – More details to follow


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Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
