KS1 – Newsletter – 20.10.20

It’s certainly been another packed and busy week in Key Stage 1.

We had a fabulous PPA day, with the beginnings of Christmas starting to creep in!  In Music the children listened to the story of The Nutcracker suite, whilst the music from The Nutcracker played in the background. They then used a variety percussion instruments to simulate the sounds of footsteps, snow falling etc..  In Art, the children watched the Snowman film, whilst using watercolours to paint their own version of the Snowman.

Year 2 began the week with Forest schools for English and Maths and a great deal of fun was had along with their learning. We began the story of ‘Stickman’ and the children were finding sticks around the garden area and thinking of all the different things the stick could be. They have also created character descriptions of the characters in the book and have written postcards telling about the different places Stickman went to and the adventures he had.

Year 1 were planning a birthday celebration. They made a party plan, wrote birthday invitations, wrote birthday cards and wrote instructions for how to make birthday buns. Of course, this would have been no fun without actually making the buns and having a party to finish off the week!

In Maths, Year 1 have been learning about the addition symbol and what it means. They have begun to do simple additions using various resources. Year 2 have been ordering objects and numbers, looking at which are the longest, shortest, biggest etc… and putting them into ascending and descending order.

In RE, Year 1 have continued to explore festivals and how they are celebrated. This week, they focused this week, on Eid and all the different ways that Eid is celebrated. Year 2 have begun their topic on welcoming babies and have been thinking about how we welcome babies with presents and cards and thinking about what baby names mean.

The Science topic continues, with the children looking at food chains. They were looking at food chains that could happen in and around their garden and then thinking bigger, making food chains for animals out in the jungle or savannahs.

Do you ever wish your child could attend an after school club? Well now, there is a virtual one that they can be a part of, run by the Youth Sports Trust (YST).  Children can go on to YouTube at 5pm every day, and take part in a 30 minute active video delivered by different YST athlete mentors. The After School Sport Club will then run for five weeks until December 18th.  YouTube channel – http://www.youtube.com/user/YouthSportTrust.

If you know that your child may need spare clothing (especially underwear) please send it each day in your child’s bag. Unfortunately, we have now run out of spare clothing in school and due to Covid, it is better for them to have their own clothes to change into.

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0113 386 2500
