KS1 – Newsletter – 21.04.23
Welcome back, we hope that you’ve all had a fantastic break.
We have started reading our new book in English this week, ‘The Enchanted wood’. The children were very excited to make fairy doors and put them out around a tree in school. We then had a letter from the fairies telling us that they’d left us a treat and we found sweets by our doors. The children began using their imaginations to think what kind of lands could appear at the top of the tree and designed and wrote some sentences about them. Year two have been doing poetry this week. They have been writing rhyming couplets for a poem about a sunflower. They have also been doing phonics intervention workshops, to ensure the children have a good grasp of all the phonic sounds.
In Maths, Year One have begun multiplication, which begins with counting in two’s and tens. They have done lots of counting pairs of shoes, socks, 2p coins, two spots of dice, two Numicon pieces etc… Year two have been focusing on Fractions. They have been practising how to find the fraction of a number and how to add fractions.
Our new topic for this half term is called ‘Gardeners world’ and our Science lessons began to focus on plants. The children were looking at different plants and learning the difference between a garden plant that has been put there by humans and a weed that has grown without being planted by a human. They then chose different plants to draw and categorise correctly.
In Geography, we have been using our observational skills to make maps and plans. We looked at a variety of maps, how they are used and what is included on them. We then looked at our classroom and some of the main features. Then, using a key, we made a birds eye view plan of the classroom, taking care to put furniture etc… in the correct place.
We were practising our knowledge of using chronological order in history again this week. We looked at how they started, what happens and the places that have held the Olympics. We then made a timeline ordering the years and cities that the Olympics have taken place.
We have begun a new skill in computing this week. We have begun coding. We used our knowledge of algorithms to use the 2code program on Purple Mash to begin coding. We inputted instructions, to move the fish. This is a skill that your child can continue to practise if they log on to Purple Mash and they all loved it!
Key Dates:
Next week is week 1.
PE Kits needed on Monday for all three classes
24th May – 2.45pm – Phonics meeting for Year 1 parents
May – SAT’s. Although the children have to complete these tests, we want them to be as relaxed as possible.
15th June – Trip to Bridlington