KS1 – Newsletter – 24.11.22

You will be pleased to know that the practises for our Christmas play are now in full swing. All children will be a part of the play, joining in the songs and some children will have acting and speaking parts. If your child has a speaking part, please help them by reading them together at home so that they are familiar with what they need to say and build their confidence to say them loud and proud. Thank you.

Our week began with Forest schools and we noticed the difference in temperature and atmosphere! We enjoyed exploring the forest schools area and used the natural materials to create mini bonfires and fireworks.

Year One have continued to think about festivals in English this week. They have been looking at how we often celebrate festivals, for example, sharing special foods, decorating houses, giving gifts etc.. They then worked in groups to create a brand new festival. They then thought about how they would like to celebrate their festival and did different activities to plan for this. They also had great fun making biscuits for their festival and then wrote the method of how they made them. Year two have had a week of focusing on phonics and common exception words. They have been practising reading and writing them. Again, we value your support in practising these with them at home.

In Maths, Year One have continued to learn about their Numberbonds to 10. They have played lots of games, completed whole part and bar models and have done lots of quick fire questioning to help them to remember them. Please help them by practising at home. Year two, have been doing a mixture of things. Some have been adding two digit numbers, learning how to put the two numbers into bar models and using tens and ones charts and the others have been adding to the nearest ten and doing reasoning problems around this.

We began to look at significant women in history this week. Our first focus was on Florence Nightingale. We learnt about who she was, the fact that she was a nurse, where she worked and some important dates in her life. We put these events into a timeline and Year two wrote about what they were.

We continued to focus on animals in Science this week and how they change and grow. We began to think about life cycles and how some animals change by getting bigger and other animals, like frogs change completely. We put pictures of a human and a frog into their respective life cycles and wrote some comparisons about them.

We had the Atlases out in Geography again this week. We used them to find out facts about the continents and oceans and recorded some of these facts in our books. We know that Asia is the largest continent and Australasia is the smallest. The pacific ocean is bigger than all the land masses. Can you find out anything else together at home?

It was lovely to finish our week celebrating the fact Mr Kerr and Miss Brophy get married on Saturday and Key Stage One would like to wish them all the luck in the world!

Key Dates:

Next week is week 1.

PE kits needed for all classes on Monday.

8th December 2.15 pm – Christmas play – More details to follow

From 5th December, all the children may come into school  wearing their school uniform with a Christmas jumper. This is OPTIONAL.

Contact Us

Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
