KS1 Newsletter-24.6.22
Last week in KS1 has been busy, fun and entertaining!
The children have enjoyed a range of activities, including Forest Schools, sports day practice and even a Movie night!
Year One have worked on Meerkat Mail this week and looks at key features of a postcard and re capping on their suffix knowledge.
In Maths they have worked on position and direction, learning their left and right and following clear instructions.
Year Two-English – published our African story. Then we made African drums from paper cups, painted them in an African design and topped them with paper tie with an elastic band.
Maths – We have been focusing on time – o’clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to. We have been drawing clocks on the playground and even made a human clock!
Computing across the phase has been focusing on technology in the home, labelling a house to show what we use on a day to day basis.
Science was a focus on senses, we explored the Forest School area and listened, touched and smelt.
History we have learnt more key facts about Nelson Mandela and wrote a fact file about the impact he had in his life.
Next week we the children have PE on Tuesday.
4th July-Forest schools
5th-Year 2 -Reading event in garden
7th-Yr 2 Skipping festival
11th- Sports phase event (No parents due to staffing requirements)
13th- KS1 Big Swing details to follow
21st July- Break up for summer term