KS1 – Newsletter – 24.9.21

We’re all getting fully back into the swing of things now and the children have settled well into all the classes in Key Stage one.

In English, Year one continued to dream about things they would do and made dream catchers. They then used these to write non-fiction pieces about how they made them. In Year two, they also made dream catchers, dreaming about where they’d like to go. They used a video stimulus called ‘Bubbles’ and thought about where their bubble would take them and wrote about this.

In Year One’s Maths this week, they were focusing on counting forwards and backwards and placing the next number using a variety of resources. In Year two, the focus has still been on Place Value and looking at greater than and less then using words and symbols.

Our Computing has been focusing on E-Safety this week and we have been using the ‘Now press play’ headphones to support this. Please continue to talk with your child about how to stay safe when they are using the internet and what to do if they come across a problem.

In Geography we were continuing to develop our field work schools, moving around different areas of the school ground and recording all the things that we could see and hear.

We had great fun in Science this week completing our experiment. We were trying to find out which chocolate bars float and which sink. We made predictions first and gave reasons why we thought they may float and sink. We made sure we kept some things the same eg the container we used, the amount of water, how we put the chocolate bars into the water etc.. We then recorded our results and discussed whether our predictions were correct.

In PE we have begun a topic on games. We will be working together to play team games and practise our throwing and catching skills.

Dates for your diary:

Monday 27th September – TRAINING DAY. School will be closed to all pupils

Tuesday 28th September – PPA day. Please send your child in their PE kit

Monday 18th October – Talent show. Please keep thinking with your child about what they would like to do to take part in the show.

Contact Us

Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
