KS1 – Newsletter – 27.10.23

What a fantastic first half term we have had in Key Stage one. It has been a joy getting to know your children and seeing them grow so rapidly over the last 8 weeks.

In English this week, Year One enjoyed using the ‘Now Press Play’ headphones to listen to a story about attacks on a castle from a dragon and a Goblin. They used this as an inspiration to think about what characters they would like to put in a story and what could happen. They then planned a story together, before having a go at writing their own story. Their phonic sounds this week were split digraphs u-e and e-e Year two have also been writing a historical narrative about the storming of ‘Cookridge castle’. They have also been focusing on Common Exception Words (CEW) how to both read and write them.

In Maths, Year one have continued to focus on tens and ones columns. They have been identifying what number is represented by the resources shown. They were then partitioning the number and putting it into sentences eg 32= 30 + 2. They have also been practising their reasoning skills, explaining what they think and why. In Year two they have been focusing on addition. One group have been looking specifically at numberbonds and quick recall of numbers that make twenty. The other group have continued to use tens and ones columns to practise their addition.

In Science, we used the knowledge we gained from last week on collecting data. We thought about how far different items like balls and javelins would travel. We then measured them, recorded our data and answered questions about it. Eg which item travelled the furthest? How far did the javelin travel?

Music has been all about Halloween this week. They have been singing songs and playing games with rhythms using various percussion instruments. They have even learnt some Italian, why not ask your child if they can remember any of the Italian words. If you want to have a go at home, have a look at Mrs Durrants account on Youtube.

The Halloween theme continued in art as the children made some spooky castles. They practised their cutting and folding skills to create the walls and to add features coming out of the windows. Wooooooooo!

The children have been making flapjack in food technology today. They have been following the recipe, weighing the ingredients, mixing and pressing into the tin. In design technology, the children continued with their castle designs. This week, they were finding ways to attach the walls to the base.

We have been looking at the British Values in PSHE this week across the phase. Do you know the five British Values? Ask your child if they can remember – Democracy, Tolerance, Respect, Liberty and Rule of Law.

We have had a final round up of computing, looking at all the things we have been learning relating to E safety. We want our children to go on line and enjoy all that has to offer, but we are very keen that our children are safe. They know what information they can and can’t share on line, they know it is good to use a nickname and also who they should go to and what they should do if they experience a problem or something that makes them feel sad on line.

In PE, the children have been doing some Gymnastics and our great new alternative sports – Table tennis, Yoga, Zumba and active party games!

The week after half term is week 2:


Monday – Class 1 and 2

Thursday – Class 1 and 3

Friday – Class 2 and 3

Forest school – Tuesday for all of Key Stage One

Diary Dates:

27th November: Half term begins at the end of the day

6th November: Return to school

Parent’s consultations: 7th and 8th November

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Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
