KS1 – Newsletter – 27.5.22
We have made it to the end of another half term and it seems to have gone in a flash. We hope that you all enjoy a fabulous week off with your families.
We have had a fun, forest school time this morning, celebrating the jubilee. We made forest schools crowns and threaded red, white and blue pasta to make necklaces and bracelets. We also found sticks and decorated them with red, white and blue wool. On the field, the children made castles fit for Queen! All in all, dressed in our red, white and blue, it was a fitting celebration of the Queen’s 70 years on the throne!
Our Year two children have completed their SAT’s this week, doing their Maths Reasoning papers. We hope this has caused little disruption to them, as we have kept it all very low profile and had some fun with them when they were not doing their papers. Well done to them all for their focus and trying their best.
Year one have focused on The Queen’s jubilee for their English writing this week. They have read the book ‘The Queen’s knickers’. They have been designing and describing the Queen’s knickers and doing a whole variety of activities revolved around the jubilee. Year Two have linked their English with history, learning facts about The Queen, her early life, when she became Queen, some of her likes and also some fun facts. They then used these to write a report about the Queen.
In Maths this week, year one have continued to learn about halving – having great fun halving grapes etc.. they have also been sharing out groups of objects to divide them in half. Year two have enjoyed some fun Maths games when they weren’t doing their ‘special booklets’ and have enjoyed challenging each other in ‘Round the world’.
In Science across the phase, we have been learning about healthy life styles. We know that we need to eat a balanced diet, drink water and milk, get plenty of exercise and rest and keep our bodies clean. Year One created posters to show others what it means to have a healthy life style and Year two, wrote some paragraphs about it.
In Geography, the children are becoming good at naming and starting to locate the seven continents on a map. This week they have been focusing on the five oceans. They have been naming them and learning key facts about them. They have also been looking at where they are in relationship to the continents.
All the classes have now completed their animation carousel for computing. Hopefully you will all have seen their flipbooks when they brought them home and if you log on to Purplemash with them, you should be able to access the Animations they created on 2Animate.
It was the culmination of the carnival of the animals in Music this week. The children were hearing about the swan and fossils. They were given a real treat hearing Mrs Durrant play ‘The dying swan’ live on her cello for them. They also heard some other versions of professionals playing. This theme continued in art, as the children made origami swans!
In RE this week, Year One have been learning about what it means to belong to a community and attend a Mosque. They have learnt about what happens at a mosque and what things they would see there. In Year two, the children have completed their topic on rules. They listened to a story from Christianity, Islam and a non-faith story and thought about what moral it was teaching us about how we should behave.
Mrs Koopman would like to Thank everyone who came along to Ruby’s Superhero fundraising party last week. You all made it a great success and they hope you all enjoyed it.
Well done to all the members of Key Stage One, who ran in the Cookridge Fun Run last weekend. We are really proud of you all!

Key Dates:
27.5.22 – Break up for half term
6.5.22 – Return to school
13.6.22 – Trip to Cannon Hall Farm – Any problems with payment for the trip, please contact the school office.
7.7.22 – Skipping festival