KS1 – Newsletter – 27.9.24

Thank you to everyone who bought a book from the book fair. If your child has not received their book yet, it means that we have had to order it and we will get it to them as soon as the order arrives.

We have continued to use the ‘Funnybones’ as our inspiration in English this week. All of the children have planned their own version of the story, thinking of creative things that the skeletons could do. They then used their plans to write their story. This has now been published and put into their writing folder.

In Year One, they have been finding one more and one less than a number. They used a variety of resources such as ten frames to lay out objects so that they could easily see how many they had. They recognised when they add one more that their number is bigger.  Year Two have been comparing numbers and values. To do this they have been using the greater than, less than and equals to sign < > =.

A few weeks ago we set up an experiment with bread for our Science lessons. We touched the bread with unwashed hands, hands that had been cleaned with just water and then hands that had been washed with warm water and soap. The bread was then put into sandwich bags and left in the cupboard. We took the bread out and observed what had happened. We looked at the level of mould and recorded it in our books.

In Design technology, the children have been looking at Florence Nightingales lamp. They have discussed what it will need for them to make their own. They then began to write instructions for how to make it. In Food technology, the children were looking at how to be safe with knives. They practised their cutting skills, to create a fruit salad.

In Music, Year One were building on their knowledge of body percussion. They were using body percussion grids and then made their own. Year Two did lots of singing games. They also learned the hand signs for singing notes.

Although the weather wasn’t the best for Forest Schools, Year One were harvesting the potatoes they planted in reception. They dug them up, cleaned them and have stored them ready for KS2 to use in a salad next week. They then cleared the onion patch and go tit ready for a mulch patch. Year Two have continued using their knowledge of loose parts and have been creating homes for their animal puppets, thinking about which loose parts to use for each section.

It was all about Rembrandt in Art this week. They were looking at his art work and how he used lines to draw his elephant. The children then had a go at using small lines to create their own elephant pictures.

The children in Year One have been looking at the Qu’ran in RE this week. They have seen how it is written in Arabic and which way it needs to be read from. They have learnt how it must never be put on the floor and how it can be kept in a special cover, wrapped in cloth or placed in a safe place. Year Two have been learning about some more fundamentals from the Christian faith. The fact that they believe in a Trinitarian God and that Jesus was God’s son who came to Earth to show people how to live. They also learned that they believe God created the world.

We all enjoyed our alternative sports time on Friday. One group joined the bounce session on trampets in the hall. One group was doing a very energetic noodle drumming session and one group was creating their own obstacle course. A group of children also had fun in a rugby session.

Diary Dates:

Keep an eye on the newsletter for key dates you will need to be aware of. They will always appear here at the bottom of the page.

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West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
