KS1 – Newsletter – 28.05.2021
We have made it the end of Summer 1 and the children have all be amazing.
Our final week of this half term has been busy, as usual.
All of the children took part in a throwing competition as part of our half termly team games. They all thoroughly enjoyed it. On top of this, there have been lots of P.E and outdoor games.
Science this week has been consolidating all of our knowledge around trees and plants to identify them within the school grounds. The children used technology, as well as information booklets they had created.
In English, Class 1 have been sequencing the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, whilst Classes 2, 3 and 4 have written their own stories about the Faraway Tree. They were very imaginative and used some lovely describing words.
In maths, Class 1 have bridging through 10, Class 2 have been continuing to learn about division and year 2 have been recapping all of the fluency skills they have learnt since starting year 2.
Seaside event
If you haven’t already, please log onto Parent Pay for the Seaside event after half term, so we can start booking amazing activities for the children.
A huge thank to everyone who has paid so far. It is much appreciated.
We hope everyone has an amazing half term and it looks as though we are going to have lovely sunshine.
Key Stage 1 Team.