KS1 – Newsletter – 28.1.22

It’s been Go, Go, Go in Key Stage One this week and the children have been fabulous as aleays.

Year One have been enjoying the book ‘Beegu’ this week. They have been thinking about how Beegu was feeling and what Beegu looked like. They then used colourful modelling clay to create their own alien and wrote some sentences using adjectives about their alien, beginning to join sentences together using ‘and’. Year two have been learning about contractions and the use of apostrophes. They have been matching the correct contraction to the separated words and have been using contractions within sentences.

In Maths, year one have been really getting to grips with subtraction. They have been using First, then, next mats, part whole models and Purple mash to practise their skills and develop understanding. The children have also worked on the new White Rose app, we would highly recommend you downloading this at home as it mirrors the work we do in class. https://whiterosemaths.com/1-minute-maths#download

In Year two, one group have been continuing with their work on missing numbers and finding the inverse. The other group have begun their topic of multiplication, starting with making equal groups and laying them out in arrays.

In Music this week, the children composed their own space pieces, linking sounds to pictures. They also practised singing songs and signing the notes ‘so’ and ‘mi’ and read rhythm patterns. If you’d like to practise the body percussion routine for Encanto’s ‘We don’t talk about Bruno’ click on the link below:


In RE, Year One continued to learn about Key figures in Religious faiths. This week, we were looking at the story of Joseph and his technicolour dream coat, that appears in both the Christian and Muslim faith. They drew pictures of the dreams Joseph had and wrote about some of the things that happened to him. In Year two, the children continued to learn about Jesus and his life. This week, they heard and recounted stories of the miracles that Jesus performed.

In art the children created creatures that could be found in space. They began with a blob of paint and expanded it and added more detail to create a creature. They then used a variety of resources to create a whole space scene around it on a big collage, filled with stars, planets and rockets etc….

Geography was a tricky one this week, building on our knowledge of aerial views. We were learning about perspectives and being a cartographer. We made a plan of the classroom, using different shapes and colours to represent the furniture and created a key to help us identify which was which.

Our experiment in Science this week was looking at materials that could be used to make a spcaeman’s suit which waterproof. We did an experiment using different materials to see which materials absorbed the water and which ones the water ran off. We found that metal and plastic was waterproof but paper and fabric was not. However, we found that metal (tin foil) was flexible and therefore would work best as an outer layer for the suit.

Key Dates:

18.2.22 – Break up

28.2.22 – TRAINING DAY

1.3.22 – Return to school

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