KS1 – Newsletter – 3.5.24

It’s been all about Neil Armstrong in Key Stage One this week!

He has filled our history lessons, as we researched facts about him and the moon landing on the ipads. We watched videos, looked at photographs and read about what happened.

We have also been writing about Neil in our English lessons. Again, we gathered information and used it to write about him in chronological order, in the past tense including as many facts as possible. Year One have been learning the /tch/ trigraph in phonics and spelling words such as stitch and witch. Year Two have been focusing on the suffixes -less, -ness and -ment and have tried to apply their knowledge by using them within their writing.

After counting in 2s and 10s, Year One have moved on to counting in 5s this week in maths. They have been spotting patterns like the fact the numbers always end in 5 or 0. This has been the trickiest of all the patterns, so please continue to support your child’s learning by counting with them at home, in the car or going for a walk. In Year Two, one group have been working on fractions. They have been finding the fraction of an amount. They have been doing this through careful sharing. The other group have also been doing division through grouping and sharing.

Forest school was great fun…..on the moon! We thought about how Neil Armstrong made his footprints on the moon. We all created a flag out of natural materials, to mark out space on the moon and to prove that we had been there.

In Science, we have been looking at what animals need to be alive. We focused on habitats and microhabitats. We thought about what was in each habitat and what animal might live there and why.

Year One have been learning about the fact that Christians go to church in their RE lessons. They have looked at what different churches look like from the outside and what they may contain inside and why. Year Two have been thinking about The Ten Commandments that Jews and Christians follow. They have discussed which of these commandments they agree with or think are important even if they are not a Christian. One of the most popular ones was ‘honour your mother and father’ which hopefully will please you parents!

In PSHE, Year One have been looking at all the different ways of using the internet. They thought about all the different ways it can be helpful, but looked at how to be safe when using the internet. Year Two have been looking at healthy eating. They have been learning about the different food groups and how many of each we should eat.

Next week is week 1:

PE: Friday – for all of Key Stage One

PPA day. Forest school – Tuesday for all of Key Stage One

Diary Dates:

Monday 24th June – Cannon Hall Farm trip – More information to follow


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