KS1 – Newsletter – 4.10.24

It started off as a very wet week for us all, but that hasn’t put a dampener on Key Stage One!

This week we have started to read a new book in English ‘Florence Nightingale’. She is one of our inspirational people for this half term. We then began to look a leaflets, what a leaflet it, what kind of information they hold etc.. We then began to write some structured sentences that could be used in a leaflet, having a go on our own for the first time.

In Maths, Year One have been practising the skill of counting backwards from one hundred. They have been completing hundred squares, numberlines and recording numbers counting back from a given number. Year Two have begun some work on addition this week, focusing mainly on a variety of pictoral representations.

We did an experiment together in Science, thinking about why things float and sink. We chose a selection of items and predicted whether they would float or sink. We then put them in the water and recorded the results. We were surprised by the results of some of the objects!

We have continued our discussions about E-Safety in computing, recognising the need to know how to stay safe on line. This week, we recapped the ways we might access the internet and the importance of not continuing to watch something they don’t like. We moved on to thinking about who we could go to if we have a problem on the internet. We labelled people from home and people at school who could help us and recognised the need for them to be an adult.

In Geography, we were all writing a fact file about Jamaica. We began by seeing how many facts we could remember from comparing Jamaica with England. We then looked at different aspects about Jamaica, including the weather, population and landscape and completed our fact files.

We began to explore the idea of creation with Year One in RE. We looked at how Scientists believe there was a Big Bang, Christians believe God created everything and Muslims believe Allah created everything. We looked at similarities and differences in the creation stories and asked our own wondering questions. Year Two began to look at some of the basics from the Muslim faith. They looked at Mosques and what features they have on the inside and outside. They looked at the crescent moon and star being the symbol of the Muslim faith and looked at Qu’ran’s, the language they’re written in and the fact it was given to Prophet Muhammad by Allah.

In PSHE, Year One have been exploring what things they like. They have been discussing what things make them happy, which people make them happy and looking at how they enjoy life. Year Two have been practising their listening skills. They have thought about what makes a good listener and then put that into practise by listening to their partner describing something for them to draw.

Year One have been practising running techniques in PE. They have thought about what their bodies can do to make them go faster and not be as tired.  Year Two have been practising balancing in Gymnastics and understanding how to tense and flex their muscles.

Diary Dates:

Thursday – 10th October: Wear something yellow (or bright colours) even if it’s just a hair bobble, socks etc.. we don not expect you to buy something new. This is in support of World Mental Health day and supporting Young Minds.

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LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
