KS1 – Newsletter – 7.10.22

It’s been a happy week in Key Stage One, starting off our week outside doing forest schools. We are beginning to learn about habitats and so the children made a habitat for their animal puppets. They used lots of natural materials around the garden such as sticks and leaves and thought about where would be a sensible place to build it to provide extra shelter and protection.

We have started to read a new book in English this week called ‘How to help the Hedgehog and protect a Polar Bear’. It has given us some great discussions about environmental changes and our part in that. We have been discussing habitats and thinking about where different animals live and why. We have all been writing sentences about hedgehogs and polar bears, thinking about what we already knew about them and new knowledge we have gained.

In Maths, Year one have been counting forwards and backwards from a given number. They are becoming really good at answering questions during our fluency sessions and are able to tell us the number that comes after and before a given number. Year two have continued with their place value – representing two digit numbers with tens and ones.

In Geography, we did a hunt around the classroom, searching for Facts about the four countries that make up the United Kingdom. We learnt about flags, flowers and capitals relating to each of the countries, along with interesting facts like London had the first public zoo in 1829, Roald Dahl was born in Cardiff and The Titanic was built in Belfast.

After learning about what a time line is and the fact it has to be in chronological order last week, this week in history, we began to make our own time lines. Year 1 ordered some basic changes in their lives. Being born, crawling, walking, talking, starting school. Year two put some of these key events on their time line and also thought about what things may happen next on their time line eg turning 7, riding a bike without stabilizers, swimming without arm bands etc…

We are learning lots about working scientifically. This week, we explored a variety of equipment that could be used in Scientific experiments such as thermometers, stop watches, measuring tapes and magnifying glasses. We talked about what they could be used for and how we could use them for recording data.

Reminder: If you have a photograph of your child (preferably 6 X4) doing something that they are really good at, please send them into school. We want to have them black and white and put in frames on a board in the classroom to celebrate who they are.

Key Dates:

Next week is week 1.

PE Kits needed for classes 1 + 2 on Monday and Class 3 on Wednesday


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0113 386 2500
