KS1 – Newsletter – 7.3.25

We have had a great week in in KS1, but of course the best day was ‘World Book day’. We started off with our poet and ended it with our reading café. It was great to see so many of you there. It is always very exciting for the children to have a Mystery Reader, so thank you to those brave parents who brought a book in to share with your child’s class. The children had a great day building up stories using finger puppets they had created in the morning and making dens to tell their stories in.

Year One have continued to practise putting the conjunction ‘and’ into their sentences to join two ideas together. They have used a picture focus and were able to link ideas together and write a good passage describing what was happening in the picture. Year Two have been practising how to use contractions, putting two words into it’s contracted form eg mustn’t and separating contractions back into two words eg we have. Both Year groups began to think of names for their newspaper and a headline for their article. They then wrote an opening paragraph. Year Ones phonic sound this week has been /ph/ used in dolphin. Year Two’s phonic sound was /o/ saying /u/ used in oven.

In Year One maths, the children have continued to learn about and practise finding missing numbers in different problems. They have used high level skills to identify missing numbers in a pyramid – which is set out in lots of bar models. One group in Year Two have continued their work on money. They have been identifying the value of a collection of coins and matching values. The other group have been practising their 2’s, 3’s, 5’s and 10 times tables.

We have been observing the weather in our science lessons this week. We have looked at cloud coverage, temperature and of course whether it has been rainy or sunny. We have been noticing any changes from morning to afternoon and day to day. We also used our art skills to design an umbrella fit for a very wet day.

We have begun to explore the amazing world of AR (Augmented Reality) in computing this week. We have a new programme called ‘AR Maker’ that we have started to explore. We have learned how we can set up a screen of our table and start to add characters and scenery to it. We then began to play around with the characters and learn how to make them move and spin etc..

In Geography we have been recapping the countries that make up the United Kingdom. We identified the capital city for each country and the flag that they have. We then created fact files together, including as many facts as we could think of about each of the countries.

This week, we have had pancake day, known in the Christian calendar as Shrove Tuesday. This was followed by Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. In our RE lessons, we have been learning about how Christians observe these days and about what they do during Lent.

We had the ‘Fun moves’ assessments in PE at the beginning of the week. The children took part in a variety of sporting activities and they were each given little goals to help improve their PE skills over the following weeks.

In PSHE, year One began learning about money. They learnt about where we get money from, how and where we can save. They also looked at what they need money for and why they might need more or less of it. Year Two have been looking at different scenarios and deciding ‘Is it ok?’ They gave their opinions on what they thought should happen and in some cases they changed their opinion when someone else explained their thinking.

Diary Dates:

Tuesday 11th March – Parent’s evening

Tuesday 18th March – Parent’s evening

(Please sign up for these on line)

Thursday 3rd April : 2.30 – 3.00 – The Great Fire of London celebration event



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