KS1 – Newsletter – 7/6/19

What a lovely first week back KS1 have had. We kick started the week with the year 2 Skipping competition in which we won 4 silvers and 1 bronze medal, we are so proud of everyone who took part!

In English this week Class 1 have been looking at the story Billy’s bucket and practicing their phonics using the story. Class 2 have also been reading Billy’s bucket and have written some lovely poems based on the story. Class 3 have continued reading a little more of the enchanted wood as they are writing their own version of the story next week.

In Maths year one have been focusing on their positional language whilst year two have been focusing on measurement, including time.

We have launched our new topic ‘We all like to be beside the Seaside’ with the children this week and have been imagining being on the beach in Bridlington and what we would do there. The children are really looking forward to their upcoming trip.

Diary Dates:

Phonics screening week – Year One – Week beginning 10.6.19

Parent event – Healthy Fair – Thursday 13th June @ 2pm – Children can dress in sports wear for this day

Trip to Bridlington – Monday 8th July.

Contact Us

Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
