KS1 – Newsletter – 9.9.22

Welcome back everyone!!

It has been fantastic to welcome all the children back to school this week and start our Key Stage One journey together. We have spent time during this week getting to know each other, settling into our classrooms and our new routines. It was great to also be able to welcome grown ups into school to meet the teachers and see the classrooms. We hope that you have been able to get the answers to any questions you have, but there is always a staff member available at the start and end of each day if you have any further questions. Please click on the links below, to access the slides from your child’s class teacher that were shown in our after school event.

Class 1

Class 2

Class 3 

It was with great sadness that we learned that The Queen died yesterday. We wanted to address this with the children in the best ways we could. This morning, Key Stage one all watched the video of the Queen with Paddington bear from the Jubilee celebrations and then shared some marmalade or jam sandwiches. This afternoon, we had a whole school assembly looking at photographs of the Queen through her reign  and discussing all that she did and achieved. We then looked at what will happen next, who our King is and what events will take place over the next ten days.

We have begun the year looking at the book ‘The colour monster’. This has enabled us to discuss our feelings in different situations and how we manage them. We used the book to support of English in both year groups, designing and then describing our monsters. We also did experiments with colour mixing and wrote about what colours we can make when we blend colours.

 It was lovely to see all the children dressed in their favourite colour today. We enjoyed listening to them discuss why it was their favourite colour and how it made them feel. We had fun in the hall together, playing games and showing off our best dance moves.

In Maths we have been doing a baseline of where the children are at. Doing a variety of activities to show off their counting skills and place value. Year one are focusing on understanding that a number digit represents that number. They have done different activities to represent a given number using equipment like Numicon, cubes, number fans etc.. Year two focused more on counting and place value skills.

In Science we have been asking the children to think what a Scientist looks like. They each drew a picture of what they think of when they think of a Scientist. We will be challenging stereotypes and misconceptions over the coming weeks and have read the book ‘What is Science’. which explains all the different things that a Scientist may explore.

It was great to join together for a fun PE session. We practised some of the sports day skills we had learned last half term. We split into our colour groups, mixed year 1 and 2 and cheered each other on in running races and egg and spoon races etc…

Your child should have brought a reading book home tonight along with a reading diary. Please try to read with your child at least three times a week. They do not have to read the whole book every time they read, especially if they are reading longer books. Please sign the diary whenever your child has read and they will move up the reading chart in the classroom.

It’s important that reading books are changed frequently. Some children have not returned a book from last year. If this is the case, they will not be allowed to take a new book home until either the book is returned or a fine has been paid for the book.

The children have all settled in to Key Stage One really well and we can see already, that this is going to be an amazing year!


Key Dates:

Next week is week 1.

PE Kits needed for class 1 and 2 on Monday and class 3 on Wednesday

26.9.22 – KS1 Phonics/ Reading workshop 2pm


Contact Us

Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
