KS1 – Summer Party – Forest School

Today in our Forest School sessions Key Stage One pupils had their own summer party (if only the weather had turned up for it)! Drawing on their knowledge of loose parts, children were set the challenge of creating what every good party needs – songs and music! Children used their imaginations to create bands, instruments and then added lyrics to sing at the end. We played some Forest School games, such as ‘animal tag’ and ‘fire and tarps’ which were great fun. Every party needs guests so we invited the trees to come along and, using clay and natural resources we found nearby, gave them faces, names and personalities. We discussed what our guests had brought to the party and the pupils were fantastic at using their knowledge of trees and plants to describe the benefits trees give us. To finish, completed a Forest School party bag full of loose parts and sticks to use next time! There were some great songs and rhythms created by the children and they showed real courage to stand up in front of others to perform their songs! To finish, we discussed what was missing from our party so we can add those elements in next time. Well done KS1! 

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