KS1-Twinkl Online books and games
Dear KS1 Parent/Carers,
We are launching TWINKL GO in KS1 this term- this is an opportunity to share online books, games and activities.
Click on the link and add the code for the level of the book. You do not need a learner sign in – just the code then click on I don’t have a username.
This will take you to the online books and activities.

Year 1-Level 4
4a, b, c books- JV8410
Year 1- Level 5
5a Books- MA5240
5b Books- ZK5143
5c Books- OV9716
Year Two-Level 6
6a Books- UB7613
6b Books- FA0971
6c Books- RN2904
Games and activities
We welcome feedback on this programme, as hope to develop the activities we can share.
Please speak to Mrs Koopman.
Thank you for your support
The KS1 Team