KS1 VE day ideas

Did you know that today is 75 years since VE day? This meant ‘Victory in Europe’, the day the Second World War officially ended.

Some of our friends at OPAL have been sharing stories of their experiences in the war. Click on the link below to read them.


Lots of people will be having celebrations today and you could too!

Have a look at the links below and think about what you could do. Maybe you’ll make some bunting. Maybe you could bake a cake or some biscuits and enjoy a picnic together in the garden or on the living room floor!

Don’t forget to share the pictures with us of what you did with your family or social distancing on your street.



https://www.twinkl.co.uk/search?term=ve%20day&showall=1     – This one has a template for the bunting along with word searches and dot to dots…

Have a look what some of our friends have been up to this week:

Nikan has been making his own shapes at home. What can you find that you could make shapes out of?

Catherine has been out and about this week, finding exciting things and making shapes using natural things.




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West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
