KS1 – Weekly Newsletter – 6.9.24

Welcome back to Key Stage One Year Two and a warm welcome to Year One! 

Each week, there will be a newsletter, with photos and information, of all the things we have been doing in Key Stage One .  Unfortunately, we have had some website issues this week and unable to upload photos at this point. Apologies for this.

We have focused this week on ‘The colour monster’ book, discussing our feelings and when might experience each of the emotions. We have done this through discussions, making pictures and writing tasks. We have of course ended this week with our colour day and enjoyed listening to why the children had chosen the clothes they were wearing. 

This is an important week for the teachers to get to know the children. Who they are, what they’re like, what they enjoy doing and of course how they engage with education. We have had a great week learning about them all. 

A few requests: 

  • If you have any empty 2 litre plastic bottles (with lids), please could you bring them in to school over the next couple of weeks 
  • Please do not put water bottles in book bags. We have already had a number of very wet/ ruined books due to leaks 
  • Please do not allow your children to play on the trim trail after school – we are currently not allowed to use the trim trail for safety reasons. 

If you have any questions or concerns during the year, please speak to a member of the Key Stage One staff on the gate (All information will be passed to the appropriate teacher) or e mail the office. 

We look forward to working with you all this year, to ensure that all the children have a great experience in Key Stage One this year. 


Next week is week 1: 


Class 1- Friday 

Class 2 – Friday

Class 3 – Friday

Forest school – Tuesday for all of Key Stage One 


Diary Dates: 

Keep an eye on the newsletter for key dates you will need to be aware of. They will always appear here at the bottom of the page. 

Contact Us

Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
