KS1 – Working from home celebrations and STORY – 26.11.20
What a beautiful day it has been today, we hope you have been able to get some fresh air in the garden!
We can see that lots of you have been very busy with your home learning, so why not sit back, relax and enjoy this story from Mrs Harrisson:

Again, it has been lovely catching up with lots of you and your smiley faces. It’s great to see all the shape work that you have been doing, along with lots of sentences and apostrophe work! Remeber to save all your work and bring it back into school next Friday.
Well done to Max for being able to tell us ways to stay safe while you’re online, this is very important while you’re doing online learning. Keep up the great work on Timestables Rockstars, Lexia, Spelling Shed, Numbots and Purple Mash. It will really support your learning….and give Mum or Dad 5 minutes peace!
If you’re joining us on Zoom tomorrow, remember to bring along one of your favourite books to share.
Have a look at all this great work that has been sent in today, fabulous effort everyone!