LKS2 – Newsletter – 01.10.21

LKS2 have had another fantastic week! 

In English, we had our final week reading our text, ‘Rivers’. On Monday, the children were introduced to a new section of the text. They practiced meaning breakdown, which involves identifying unfamiliar vocabulary in the text and using various strategies to help them understand their meaning. 


In Miss Boyd’s maths group this week (Class 6 and 7), we have been learning our Roman numerals! At the beginning of the week, our aim was to learn from 1 – 30 however we have all worked so hard that we have learnt up to 100. As a challenge, some of us have even gone higher than that! We have completed this using a carousel of activities including reasoning and problem solving questions.

In Miss Bennett’s maths group (Class 6 and 7), the children have continued to develop their understanding of rounding. We have used dice and digit cards to make our own 3 and 4-digit numbers. We have practiced rounding these numbers to 10, 100 and 1000 using number lines and place value charts. Miss Bennett is extremely impressed with how hard the children in her group have worked this week. Well done! 

In science, we put our knowledge of classification keys to the challenge by creating our own. We began by thinking about different ways to group animals using key vocabulary, such as ‘in/vertebrate’ and ‘carnivore/herbivore/omnivore’. Then, we thought of various questions and trailed different ways of grouping some living things, including sunflowers and eagles. Once we had done this, we tried each other’s classification keys to see if they worked! 


In computing, we continued to develop our awareness of e-safety and how to stay SMART online. We initially concentrated on the ACCEPTING aspect of SMART, discussing the risks of opening or clicking on something online when we are unsure of who the sender is or what they have sent us and deciding how to respond safely to this scenario. Then, we turned our attention to the RELIABLE element of SMART. We watched a video about the adventures of the ‘SMART crew’ to discuss and identify the ways that they ensure the reliability of the information they find on the internet. Afterwards, we focused on the final, crucial TELL aspect of SMART by exploring several difficult online situations and concluding that we should always tell a trusted adult in these circumstances. Finally, in groups, we performed a role play of a particular online dilemma, making sure that we clearly showed what the online danger was and what e-safety techniques we used to stay SMART online.       

Important Notices 

If you have not yet signed the permission form for Bolton Abbey, please do so as soon as possible. 

Year 3 – Year 3 are going to Bolton Abbey next Tuesday 5th October 2021. Please ensure your child has a packed lunch, a coat and sensible footwear. 


We hope you have a great weekend! 

LKS2 Team 


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