LKS2 – Newsletter – 09.09.2022
We’ve had a busy first week back in LKS2!
On Tuesday, we spent the day in our classes, catching up after the summer, getting to know each other and our new teachers. On Tuesday afternoon, we were given a challenge to build paper towers using no other resources. This challenge helped us learn all about resilience and how we were going to use this skill throughout the school year!
This week in maths, Year 3 and 4 have been learning all about place value. We have been using base ten, place value counters and place value charts to assist us in our learning.
On Thursday, we all took part in an exciting science experiment! We were tasked with seeing what happened when you dissolved skittles in a water on a plate, and were amazed by the results! We then talked about making something a true experiment, by using a question and making sure it was a fair test. It started our working scientifically topic off wonderfully, and the children are very excited for the coming weeks.
In English this week, we have started learning about our topic, The Stone Age, by reading our new book all about Skara Brae. The children have been focusing on their phonics and handwriting, making sure they are still using all of their skills from last year. They have really impressed us with this.
The children have made a fantastic start to the year, and have already shown the resilience and passion to succeed. We are so proud of them already!
Important reminders:
- Children should be in normal uniform for PPA day on Monday.
- Y4 Swimming – Year 4 start swimming next Wednesday. Please return your child’s letter about this if you haven’t already done so.
- Thursday 15th September – Meet the Teacher after school.