LKS2 – Newsletter – 09.12.22

We have had a busy week preparing for Christmas in LKS2! 

Our week has involved lots of rehearsing for our Christmas production. Thank you for all of your help with learning lines and songs – we are all looking forward for having you in school next week to celebrate and watch the performance. 

In English this week, we planned and begun to write our narrative all about a Stone Age adventure. On Wednesday, we went outside and role-played our stories, thinking carefully about the problem and resolution and how we could make it as exciting as possible. We then came back in and planned our stories using planning arrows or story mountains. We were very creative, and Year 4 were inspired by their recent trip to Robin Wood… by including piranhas! 


























In maths this week, Year 4 have been learning how to calculate area, and have begun to understand how times tables can help you with this. On Wednesday, we used Numicon to explore the question: how many shapes can we make with an area of 24cm2? We started this by creating shapes that were four sided, before moving on to other rectilinear shapes. We also realised that just because a shape has the same area, it does not have the same perimeter! Some children have even explored this concept further at home, which we have loved to see! 










In P4C this week, we debated the question: Is it better to do what you think is right or follow the rules? The children used sentence stems and worked on debating in a fair and respectful way, which links to Y4’s topic of respect in PSHE. 

In geography, we created bar charts based on our local walk last week. We identified all of the different public and private land  we could find in Cookridge, including the fire station, church and houses. In history, we finished our topic ‘Through  the Ages’, thinking about all of the changes that happened throughout the long time period and how these changes have impacted the way we live today. 

Important Notices: 

  • There is no swimming for Year 4 next Wednesday. 
  • Please can all books be returned next week so that they can be swapped/renewed in time for the Christmas holidays. 
  • Our Christmas performance is Thursday 15th December at 2:15pm. Please see the website for further details. 

Have a great weekend! 

LKS2 Team 


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West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500