LKS2 – Newsletter – 10.03.2023
What a busy – and cold – week it has been!
This week, LKS2 have published some lovely newspapers while focussing on the skill of using paragraphs. They children have worked incredibly hard to ensure they have used all the key facts from the events. Well done!
This week in maths, Year 3 have been comparing fractions. We have used different strategies and resources to help us compare like looking at a fraction wall and using number lines. We have also started to use these resources to help us add and subtract fractions.
In forest school, Class 4 had to put our fires on hold because of the snow. We didn’t mind though because we had a brilliant time playing in the snow having snowball fights, making snowmen and snow angels!

In Reading this week, Year 4 practised the skill: summarising. Firstly, they ordered statements based on whether or not they were relevant to a summary of a piece of writing and explained why. Then, they wrote their own sentences summarising the rest of the text.
This week, students in Miss Bennett’s maths group have visited Bennett’s Bakery! We were given lots of challenge cards, with briefs from different customers from our class. They asked for slices, and we had to decide how many whole cakes/pizzas they would need for their party. To do this, we converted from improper to mixed number fractions, making sure to round to the next nearest whole before giving our answer. We used our knowledge of division and remainders, as well as pictorial methods to help us.
In geography this week, the children used a variety of sources to learn about and compare the physical features or Rome and Leeds. They started by looking at OS maps, comparing them using their knowledge of map symbols such as mountains and lakes. Then they read fact files and used the atlases to look at maps and graphs containing information about climate and vegetation. After gathering their information they created a Venn Diagram to compare the two cities.

In history this week, Class 6 learned all about Boudicca and the Iceni rebellion. After watching a video about the rebellion, the children ordered some key event cards. Then these were taken away and they had to make their own from memory with their group! Then the children used role play to help remember the main points of the rebellion. They acted out the key events, and hot seated some of the main people involved.

We also wanted to give a special mention to Nara for organising a special event! Yr 1,2,3 and 4 Animal Club had a trip to Towerwood Vets last week. The children had a wonderful time and several of them have now decided they would like to be vets when they grow up. Nara made it happen by writing to the vets to ask if the Animal Club could visit.
The Animal Club started last year and has done a wildlife-spotting nature walk, a meeting to set up the club, and a bake-sale which raised £60 for World Wildlife Fund. Towerwood vets were wonderful – they gave us a proper tour and a chance to experience what it would be like to operate on an animal. They also showed us some yucky worms that had once been inside a dog!

We hope you all have a fun snow day and warm weekend!
From the LKS2 team