LKS2 – Newsletter – 11.06.21

LKS2 have had a busy yet exciting week back. 

In maths, Class 7 have been learning how to tell the time on an analogue clock. We have been recapping year 3 objectives and have looked at learning o’clock, half past, quarter past, quarter to. We then moved onto learning how to tell the time to 5 minute intervals and have worked so hard that we have progressed onto telling the time to the nearest minute. We have used language such as morning, noon, midnight, a.m., p.m., minutes and hours. Next week, we will be looking at how to convert time on an analogue clock to digital. 

This week in maths, Miss Evans’ group have been learning how to read and write the time on an analogue clock. They have practiced making the time on mini clocks, and challenged themselves to a range of activities, including reasoning in groups, a drawing task on Purple Mash and a matching game.

This week in P.E., we have started our new topic of rounders. First, we looked at our throwing and catching skills and what we could do to improve. We then practiced this in pairs. After this, we learnt how to hold a rounders bat and learnt some of the position names such as a bowler, a batter and a fielder. To practice our new knowledge, we played a mini style game in groups of 7 where we each had a go at being in the various rounders positions. 

In Science this week, we began a new topic on plants! We identified the different parts of plants, including roots, stem, leaves and flowers. Then we completed a sorting activity which required us to understand the function of each part of the plant. To end the lesson, we drew our own plant, labelled the different parts and then wrote sentences to describe the functions of each part. 

A massive well done to our learnatics this week, you are all superstars!


  • Now the weather is brightening up, please remember to send your children with items such as sun hats and a labelled water bottles.


  • A reminder to year 4 children in Class 7 that it is swimming every Wednesday therefore they need to come to school in swimwear and bring their swimming items in a labelled bag. 
  • The current Year 4 children have the chance to attend a residential to Lineham Farm when they go up to year 5. We will be holding a virtual information evening on Tuesday 22nd June 2021 @ 17.00 which will be held via Zoom. This will give you the opportunity to gain further insight into the activities that the children may take part in, as well as provide you with the opportunity to ask any questions.

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West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500